Editorial Agency in the 1550 Edition

The unknown editor of the 1550 Venice edition was quite active in attempting to ameliorate the received text in what was surely this edition's exemplar: the 1493/5 Venice edition. In most cases this intervention in the textual tradition involved correcting perceived typographical or grammatical errors, as seen for example in Scriptura sacra as; and in a few cases only the attribution of a quotation was corrected, as seen in Passio ae. But in other cases this editor intervened much more actively.

As of 12 July 2013 the following 48 entries had been identified in which the text in the 1550 Venice edition is significantly closer to the original source than the version in the 1493/95 edition, and often closer than the original text of the Manipulus as well. There are also a few cases in which the editor of the 1550 edition filled in lacunae or extended the quotation to include lines not found in the manuscripts and the two previous printed editions.

Ambrose of Milan (3): Liberalitas i; Verecundia a, Verecundia d.

Augustine of Hippo (4): Peccatum n; Religio b, Religio c, Religio d.

Bernard of Clairvaux (12): Passio ac; Perseuerancia c; Relinquere u, Relinquere x, Relinquere y; Spiritus sanctus q; Trinitas f, g; Voluntas i, Voluntas z, Voluntas ac, Voluntas ae.

Gregory the Great (6): Predicacio ac; Sapiencia siue sciencia l, Sapiencia siue sciencia m; Scriptura sacra an; Temptatio q; Tribulatio ag.

Isidore of Seville (7): Oratio bc, Oratio bd, Oratio bg, Oratio bi; Peccatum am; Sortilegium et diuinatio a; Testimonium c.

John Cassian (6): Oratio bo; Relinquere ae/af, Relinquere ag, Relinquere ah, Relinquere ai, Relinquere ak.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (1): Libertas g.

Peter of Blois (2): Milicia t, Milicia ac.

Peter Chrysolaras (1): Sanctitas uel sanctus r.

Pliny the Elder (2): Homo m, Homo o.

Valerius Maximus (1): Taciturnitas p.

Vegetius Renatus (3): Milicia i, Milicia k, Milicia l.

The editorial methodology for these documents is intended to highlight textual differences between the two Venice editions in relation to the standard modern edition of the text. Cases of amelioration in the 1550 edition are indicated by single-line underscoring; cases in which the 1550 edition varies from both the 1493/5 edition and the standard modern edition are indicated by double-line underscoring.