CP411 FALL 2015 WLU

Course Description

Principles, Algorithms, Techniques of Computer Graphics. Topics include, introduction 
to graphics hardware, output primitives, 2- and 3-dimensional geometric transformations, 
object representation and viewing, illumination models, surface-rendering methods. 
Graphics software tools that will be introduced: OpenGL, GLUT, Postscript. 

Prerequisites   CP264, MA122 (or permission of the Department)

Instructor   Dr. Ilias S. Kotsireas , Office 2076A, Office Hours: 24/7 and by appointment, Phone 884-0710 ext. 2218  E-Mail


Computer Graphics Using Open GL, 3/e 
Francis S. Hill, Jr. and Stephen M. Kelley 
Prentice Hall (2007) ISBN 0-13-149670-0 

Textbook Support Web Site:

Lecture Topics (corresponding to the 12 weeks schedule)

  1. Introduction
  2. OpenGL Basics, Fractals, IFS
  3. Viewports and clipping
  4. Regular polygons, ellipses, implicit and parametric form of curves and surfaces
  5. Vectors, coordinate systems, homogeneous coordinates, intersections, tweening (== homotopy)
  6. Affine Transformations, Composition of Transformations
  7. Polygonal Meshes
  8. Perspective, 3D Projections
  9. Shading, Texture
  10. Curve and Surface Design
  11. Ray Tracing
  12. Term Projects Presentations

Fall Semester Timetable

            |     Tue     |     Thu     |
            | 13:00-14:20 | 13:00-14:20 |
            | Room N1057  | Room N1057  |
            |             |             |
Week 1:     |  ------     |    Sep 10   |
Week 2:     |  Sep 15     |    Sep 17   |
Week 3:     |  Sep 22     |    Sep 24   |
Week 4:     |  Sep 29     |    Oct 01   |
Week 5:     |  Oct 06     |    Oct 08   |

Reading Week   Oct 12 - Oct 16   N o  C o u r s e s
            |             |            |
Week 6:     |  Oct 20     |   Oct 22   |
Week 7:     |  Oct 27     |   Oct 29   |
Week 8:     |  Nov 03     |   Nov 05   |
Week 9:     |  Nov 10     |   Nov 12   |
Week 10:    |  Nov 17     |   Nov 19   |
Week 11:    |  Nov 24     |   Dec 26   |
Week 12:    |  Dec 01     |   Dec 03   |
            |  Dec 08     |   ------   |
            |             |             |


  1. Notes
  2. Code
  3. PostScript

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