Course Description

The course covers advanced database system design principles and techniques.


CP363 Databases I


Dr. Ilias S. Kotsireas
Office: N2076A, Office Hours: 24/7 and by appointment, Phone: 884-0710 ext. 2218, E-Mail: ikotsireATwlu.ca

Important Course Information

Notes & Overheads


date posted: September 22, 2016
due date: October 6, 2016


date posted: October 26, 2016
due date: November 12, 2016

Lecture Topics (corresponding to the 12 weeks schedule)

  1. Introduction, Relational Algebra, SQL
  2. Query Processing, Query Optimization
  3. Lexical Analysis, Syntactic Analysis, BNF Grammars, LEX/YACC
  4. Object Databases, Object Database Management Systems, (ODBMSs), ODMG, Object Definition Language (ODL), Object Query Language (OQL)
  5. Data Mining I, Introduction and Basic Concepts, KDD, Learning, Decision Trees, Association Rules
  6. Data Mining II, ID3 Algorithm (Iterative Dichotomizer), C4.5 Algorithm, Apriori Algorithm
  7. Data Mining III, k-Means Clustering, Genetic Clustering, FP-Growth Algorithm, Spectral Clustering
  8. Data Mining IV, Logic-based approaches
  9. Web Databases, PHP, HITS/PageRank Algorithms
  10. XML, well-formed documents, Document Type Definitions (DTDs), XML Schemas, XML Documents, XML Databases, XML Query Languages (XPath,XQuery)
  11. Data Storage, Indexing Structures for Files, Distributed Databases, Deductive Databases
  12. Term Projects Presentations

Class Schedule, Fall Semester Timetable

              |     Mon     |     Wed     |
              | 16:00-17:20 | 16:00-17:20 |
              |   BA 210    |   BA 210    |
              |             |             |
Week 1:       |  Sep 12     |   Sep 14    |
Week 2:       |  Sep 19     |   Sep 21    |
Week 3:       |  Sep 26     |   Sep 28    |
Week 4:       |  Oct 03     |   Oct 05    |
Oct 10, Thanksgiving, Oct 11 - 14 Fall Reading Week
Week 5:       |  Oct 17     |   Oct 19    |
Week 6:       |  Oct 24     | Oct 26 (M)  |
Week 7:       |  Oct 31     |   Nov 02    |
Week 8:       |  Nov 07     |   Nov 09    |
Week 9:       |  Nov 14     |   Nov 16    |
Week 10:      |  Nov 21     |   Nov 23    |
Week 11:      |  Nov 28     |   Nov 30    |
Week 12:      |  Dec 05     |   Dec 07    |
              |             |             |

Course Requirements/Student Evaluation