At Wilfrid Laurier University, emphasis is given to challenging intellectual growth and to encouraging the development and integrity of the whole person mind, spirit and body.
Note: An official means of communication is the student's Laurier e-mail address.

The Abwunza YMCA Child Care Centre
Athletics and Recreation
The Business Office
Career Services
Centre for Accessible Learning
Chaplains' Office
Conference Facilities
Counselling Services
Cultural Environment
Dean of Students
Food Service Facilities
Fred Nichols Campus Centre
Harassment/Discrimination Office
Health Services
The Hub
Information Technology Services
The John Aird Centre
Laurier Bookstore
Laurier International
Laurier OneCard
The University Library
Media Technology Resources
Office of the Ombudsperson
Parking Services
Office of Part-Time, Distance, Continuing Education and Instructional Development
Race Relations
Office of Research
Research Centres
Residential Services
Security Services
Student Awards Office
Wilfrid Laurier University Alumni Association
Wilfrid Laurier University Graduate Student Association (WLUGSA)
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union (WLUSU)
Women's Centre
Writing Centre

The Abwunza YMCA Child Care Centre
Centre Supervisor: Lori Darling
Centre Location: St. Michael's Building, 64 University Ave., W.
Telephone: (519) 747-0007
The YMCA of Kitchener-Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University have partnered to open the Abwunza YMCA Child Care Centre for children of Laurier faculty, staff and students. The childcare centre is located in the St. Michael's building and accommodates children between the ages of 18 months to five years old. The centre is staffed full-time by graduates of an early childhood education program or university-educated childcare teachers. The centre is named after the late Judith Abwunza, an associate professor in the department of sociology and anthropology.

Athletics and Recreation
Director Athletics and Recreation: Peter R. Baxter, BPHE, MA, ext. 2216
Office Location: Main floor, Athletic Complex
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Web Site: <http://www.laurierathletics.com>
In 2000, the Athletic Complex completed a $2.5 million renovation, which included a state-of-the-art fitness centre (with a cardio centre), a free-weight room, a circuit training room and a rock climbing wall. Another expansion for the fitness centre and free-weight room tripling its size is targeted to be completed by September 2005. The Athletic Complex has three large basketball courts, seating for over 2,500, two squash courts, judo and weight lifting rooms, an athletic therapy clinic, a student lounge of fame and a 50-metre swimming pool. In addition to the 22 teams' varsity sports program, there is a complete intramural program in a variety of team and individual activities. An instructional program is available in a number of sports, dance, martial arts and fitness activities. Daily news, results of Golden Hawk varsity teams, intramural programs and season ticket information is available on the Web site listed above.
University Stadium
Stadium Co-ordinator: Kevin Webster, BSc, ext. 3732
Office Location: University Stadium, 81 Seagram Drive
Web Site: <http://www.laurierathletics.com>
This facility includes an artificial surface athletic field (home of the Golden Hawks) with seating for 6,500, a 400-metre track and a large indoor gym. The facility is available for bookings/rentals by students, staff and faculty as well as the local community. Further information and season ticket information is available on the Web site listed above.

The Business Office
Business Office Manager: Debohra Da Costa, Ext. 6113
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwbus/>
The Business Office, located on the second floor at 202 Regina Street, is responsible for the collection of all student fees, the issuance of statements, tax receipts and other documentation associated with student accounts.

Career Services
Director, Co-operative Education and Career Services: Janice L. Basso, BA, MEd, <jbasso@wlu.ca>, ext. 4137
Career Advising Co-ordinator: Tara Orchard, BA, MA, <torchard@wlu.ca>, ext. 4139
Career Information Co-ordinator: Denise Cornfield, BA, <dcornfie@wlu.ca>, ext. 2625
Employment Services Co-ordinator: Joy Mitchell, <jmitchel@wlu.ca>, ext. 4136
Office Location: Main floor, 232 King Street North
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The office is also open three evenings each week from September to March and one evening each week from April to August.
Web site: <http://www.wlu.ca/career>
Career Services provides assistance to all students and alumni in their career planning and job search. There are three primary services offered by the department: career advising, career information and employment services for part-time, summer, contract and full-time job openings.
Career advising services are provided on an individual and group basis to involve students in examining their interests, abilities, values, goals and opportunities as part of the career decision-making process. A Career Information Centre is available to students seeking information on topics such as educational programs, work/study/travel abroad, careers, graduate admission tests, job search techniques and potential employers.
A Graduating Student Employment Service is available to all students completing their final year of a degree or diploma program and to alumni who are currently registered as students at Laurier. Through this program, employers interview students during the fall and winter semesters for full-time employment available upon graduation. In addition, graduates may register with the Alumni Employment Service. A Summer and Part-time Employment Service is also offered, and a Career Fair and a Job Fair are held annually.
Throughout the year, the department sponsors several programs to familiarize students with a variety of occupations and graduate/professional schools for those pursuing further education. These include events such as Teacher Education Sessions and a Careers in... series. Newsletters, For Your Information, containing information related to educational, career and employment opportunities, are published and distributed to students, staff and faculty. Workshops on career planning, résumé writing, job search and interview skills are also offered for interested students.

Centre for Accessible Learning
Acting Director of Accessible Learning: Fran Manson, <fmanson@wlu.ca>, ext. 3783
Office Location: 1C12B, Arts Building
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
The Centre for Accessible Learning will provide services to students with previously identified or suspected disabilities, including sensory, motor, physical, psychological, psychiatric, learning, medical or combinations of multiple disabilities. It will also offer resources, support and advocacy to students who see themselves on the margin of mainstream student culture at Laurier.
Special Needs Office
Office Location: Room 1C11, Arts Building, ext. 3086
E-mail: <22sno@wlu.ca>
TDD: 519-884-1141
Fax: 519-884-6570
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwsneed/>
The Special Needs Office assists students with their academic needs such as accommodated examinations, assistive technology and alternate-format course materials. This office provides contacts for tutoring, note-taking and support services within Laurier and the community at large. Disabilities serviced by the office include mobility, learning, medical, psychiatric/psychological, chronic pain, head injuries, hearing and visual.
While documentation of a disability is useful, any student who suspects a disability should contact the office. Students are encouraged to apply for OSAP, since OSAP eligibility is necessary for access to funding through the Bursary for Students with Disabilities.

Chaplains' Office
University Chaplains: Paul Ellingham, BSc, MDiv; Jonathan Schmidt, BA, MDiv; Graham Morbey, BA, MDiv, Drs., Ania Krysciak, BA, BMT, MA, Marvin Franz, BSc, ThM and Gerry Mueller, MSc, MDiv, PhD, ext. 2240 and 2739
Office Location: Upper floor, Student Services Centre, rooms 2-05 and 2-04
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (and by appointment)
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwchap/index.shtml>
The chaplains at Laurier are available to assist students in their efforts to research or discuss spiritual, ethical and theological issues. This may be arranged on an individual basis or in a group context. A chaplain can be contacted through the receptionist in the Student Services Centre.
Information about current and projected programs related to these issues can be obtained through the Chaplains' Office. Programs may include marriage preparation courses, film series and speakers on religious subjects. Announcements are posted on the bulletin boards around campus.
As well, the chaplains are able to refer students to other resource professionals particularly knowledgeable about specific concerns and community resources such as places of worship. The chaplains provide space for interfaith activities.
Worship for the university community is held Sundays at 7:30 p.m. throughout fall and winter terms in Keffer Memorial Chapel on campus.

Conference Facilities
Conference and Special Events Co-ordinator: Susan MacKenzie, <22confer@wlu.ca>, ext. 3958
Office Location: 44 Bricker Street
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/conferences>
Laurier's Conference Services works with on- and off-campus groups who utilize facilities on campus to host conferences, general meetings, sports events, training seminars and weddings during May to August.
Accommodation ($25.00 to $40.00), food service, lecture halls, recreational facilities, audiovisual and printing support are available at economical rates. Visit the Web site for more information.

Counselling Services
Director, Counselling Services: Dale Fogle, BA, MASc, PhD, ext. 2143
Counsellors: Marilyn Perdue, BA, MSW, ext. 2253; Jill Wanzel, BA, MSW, ext. 2525; Karen Mizon, BA, MSW, ext. 2493
Counsellor and Learning Consultants: Lindsay Rennie, BAA, MSW, ext. 2144, Chris Kardol, BA, MSW, ext. 2804
Appointments/Inquiries: Gladys Brubacher, Rita Attard, Ena De Jong, ext. 2338
Office Location: Upper floor, Student Services Centre
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with some evening hours from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday to Thursday
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwcouns>
Counselling Services is a centre devoted to student learning, performance and personal development. The services offered by this department include personal (non-academic) counselling and the Study Skills Program.
Professionally trained staff are available throughout the year for confidential, adult-to-adult consultation regarding any personal concerns that threaten classroom concentration or emotional equilibrium. Concerns about relationships can be discussed individually or jointly with a partner. Group workshops and informal seminars are offered to enhance skills in such areas as interpersonal communication, stress management and performance in music, sports or academic exams.
The Study Skills Program offers informal instructional workshops in motivation and time management, textbook learning and note taking, concentration and memory, essay and thesis management and exam preparation. Individual appointments with a learning consultant or peer learning assistant are also available to deal with any specific study concerns.
Pamphlets, handouts and other self-help material relevant to personal development or academic performance are available in the Counselling Office or on the Web site listed above.

Cultural Environment
Cultural Affairs Manager: Deborah Currie, <dcurrie@wlu.ca>, ext. 3800
Curator/Art Gallery Co-ordinator: Suzanne Luke, <sluke@wlu.ca>, ext. 3801
Cultural Affairs Assistant: Heather Redden-Greer, <hreddeng@wlu.ca>, ext. 3139
Special Events Co-ordinator: Brenda Burns, <bburns@wlu.ca>, ext. 2051
Office Location: Room 2C1, Arts Building
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Art Gallery Location: Room A106, John Aird Centre
Art Gallery Hours: Tuesday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Cultural Affairs Department is responsible for the cultural development and enrichment of the university community and provides academic support services through exposure to lectures and mentorship opportunities, artistic, literary, performance and other special events. Programs such as Laurier Lectures, contemporary art exhibitions, author lectures and national and international cultural activity, contribute to student growth and promote an enjoyable and valuable resource for learning.
The university's educational art gallery, the Robert Langen Art Gallery and the university's permanent art collection exist to provide knowledge, stewardship, appreciation and the enjoyment of Canadian art and culture. The gallery exhibits art for the Laurier community and the community at large, and collects works of art in the public trust, including the Neufeld Collection.
The Laurier Lecture Series brings distinguished speakers of high profile in various areas of academic study to Laurier. These guest lecturers are of broad interest to a variety of academic departments, as well as to the community at large, and are intended to supplement the students' learning process through interesting dialogue and discussion, creative interaction and hands-on experience. One annual showcase Laurier Lecture will feature a speaker who is publicly well-known. These lectures are free of charge.
The Cultural Affairs Department provides cultural liaison to city councils, regional governments, other educational institutions and private organizations to establish a strong link between Laurier and the broader community by encouraging and promoting access and support.

Dean of Students
Assistant Vice-President: Student Services/Dean of Students: J. David McMurray, BHK, MHK, Ext. 3318/3319; 3rd Floor, Fred Nichols Campus Centre
The dean of students ensures that the quality of student life and the total university environment is conducive to intellectual and personal growth. The office is accountable for the development, direction, implementation of non-academic student life policies, for regulations, programs and those student services essential to the well-being and growth of all Laurier students.

Food Service Facilities
Manager, Food Services: Peter Schneider, <pschneid@wlu.ca>, ext. 2596
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwfs/>
Laurier provides its own food service operation catering to residence and non-residence students, offering nutritional meals with the flexibility and freedom of individual choice, including a wide variety of snack items.
All graduate students living in apartment-style residences that include full kitchens, or students who live off-campus, may choose to purchase a full or optional meal plan.
The required meal plan is divided into two parts. Prime dollars can be used only in the Dining Hall. Alternative dollars can be used on campus at the Concourse Café – (featuring Second Cup), Dining Hall, Laurier Coffee outlets (featuring Tim Horton's products at four locations on campus), the Library Café (featuring Starbucks products), Waterloo College Hall, The Terrace food court (including Harvey's, Mr. Sub, Pizza Pizza/Pasta Pasta, The Union Market, The Pita Shack and The Yogen Früz Café) and at Wilf's. Off campus, alternative dollars will be accepted at a variety of off campus partners. For the most accurate details, check the OneCard Web site <http://onecard.wlu.ca>, for additional information, the Food Services Web site (listed above). Both on and off-campus vendors may change.
By agreement between Wilfrid Laurier University and the Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union, beginning in September 2002, all residence students participating in meal plans will pay a 5 percent levy to assist in the payment for Dining Hall renovations completed in September 2002.

Fred Nichols Campus Centre
Contact: Michael McMahon, <mmcmahon@wlu.ca>, ext. 3379
Hours of operation: 24 hours a day, seven days a week (except the Terrace Food Court) which is open Monday and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.; Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. and Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Web Site: <http://www.wlusu.com>
The Fred Nichols Campus Centre is owned and operated by the Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union and contains all of the offices, services and business operations of the student-run organization. The third floor of the Fred Nichols Campus Centre is the heart of the volunteer-centred organization, containing the offices of the president, WLUSU student executive and volunteer space for services such as Campus Clubs, Foot Patrol, Legal Resources and Student Activities. The Office of the Dean of Students, Super Dave's 2, Travel Cuts and Student Publications also operate from the third floor. The Students' Union main offices, including the Health Plan office and the Millennium Multimedia 24-hour lounge, are also located here.
The Fred Nichols Campus Centre is one of the most dynamic and successful in the country; offering student-owned and operated services and business operations. The Terrace Food Court offers six food kiosks, including Harvey's, Yogen-Früz, Pita Shack, Union Market and Mr. Sub, which are owned and operated by WLUSU. The second floor offers Wilf's Pub and the Centre Spot; a convenience store that offers gifts, fax and dry cleaning, bus tickets, postage and personal care items, as well as two student-run bank machines. The fourth floor houses the Turret Nightclub, open Thursday, Saturday and Friday for special events.

Harassment/Discrimination Office
Harassment/Discrimination Co-ordinator: Marilyn Jacobs, <mjacobs@wlu.ca>, ext. 6979 or 2037
Office Location: Room P2094, Peters Building
The harassment/discrimination co-ordinator is responsible for the development, recommendation and implementation of procedures associated with human rights. This includes sexual harassment, race relations, discrimination, gender inequities and other issues covered by the Ontario Human Rights Code. In addition, the harassment/discrimination co-ordinator is responsible for issues arising from personal harassment. Students can consult with the harassment/discrimination co-ordinator for information, advice, informal problem solving, or to lodge a formal complaint. Consult this office for additional policy details.
Refer to the University Policies chapter for more information.

Health Services
Director, Health Services: James Hicks, MD, ext. 3146
Manager, Health Services: Ingrid Goll, RN, <igoll@wlu.ca>, ext. 3622
Office Location: Upper floor, Student Services Building
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., and Monday to Thursday evenings until 7:30 p.m. when classes in session
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwhs/>
A full range of medical services is offered (including health counselling and allergy injections). Physicians are available daily, by appointment. Urgent problems can usually be seen the same day without an appointment. Massage therapy and chiropractic care are available by appointment. Laboratory services are available three times per week.
After hours, weekends and holidays, physicians are available at the Urgent Care Clinic (745-2273), or by calling Dr. J. Hicks at 578-8050. For more serious problems, students may use the Emergency Department at K-W Health Centre of Grand River Hospital. If students wish to use a physician or dentist who is off campus, Health Services has a list of those taking new patients.
Every student must have medical insurance to register at Laurier. Ontario residents must have an Ontario Health Card. If the student is from another province, that province's health insurance is accepted as equivalent. According to new Ministry of Health (governmental) regulations, health cards must be presented at every visit to Health Services, or any other medical facility.
Visa students are not eligible for Ontario Health Insurance coverage. When non-Canadian students arrive in Ontario, they must register in the university's Business Office and enrol in the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) designed for foreign students. This plan is compulsory at time of arrival. Students may, with proper documentation, apply for a waiver, but should be aware that these are rarely granted. Information regarding this plan may be obtained at the university's Business Office. (Refer to Financial Services chapter).

The Student Health and Development Centre
Health Education and Promotion Co-ordinator: Karen Ostrander, RN, <kostrand@wlu.ca>, ext. 2860
Office Location: Lower level, Student Services Building, (across from the Dining Hall)
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Student Health and Development Centre is a collaborative effort from the student services departments whose collective mission is to provide services primarily outside the classroom setting that will aid in the development, health and overall personal and academic success of both undergraduate and graduate students.
The Centre provides a central, welcoming location where students can explore and research various concepts and approaches to improve their overall health.
The Centre includes an open resource area equipped with displays, print resources, interactive computer modules, CD ROM, video/DVD and audiotapes covering all aspects of pre-tested self-help information. Some of the topics included in Centre material are depression, body image, nutrition, spiritual growth, men and women's health issues, and other wellness concepts.
The Centre also offers a central training facility for student paraprofessionals where they receive specific training and supervision by professional staff and provide knowledgeable and effective interactions with undergraduate and graduate students.
The Centre is home of The Student Nutrition Action Committee (SNAC), which oversees our consulting dietician as well as The Asthma Education Clinic.

The Hub
Manager: Nick Tomljenovic, <ntomljen@wlu.ca>, ext. 3624
Office Location: Concourse
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Web site: <http://www.wlu.ca/onecard>
The Hub, located in the heart of the Laurier campus provides students, staff, faculty and visitors of Laurier with up-to-date campus information. It also offers quality photocopying, lamination and binding. The Hub arranges all Concourse bookings. The Hub accepts the Laurier OneCard or cash as methods of payment.

Information Technology Services
Executive Director: J. (Raj) Govindarajan, PhD, ext. 3435
Associate Director: John P. Kearney, BCom, MBA, MEng, ext. 3910
Manager, Client Services: Andrzej Gadomski, MSc, ext. 3511
Manager, Technical Support: Carl Langford, BSc, ext. 3482
Manager, Networks and Telecommunications: Bob Ellsworth, BA, ext. 3120
Data Base Administrator: Niels Andersen, BCS, ext. 3760
Office Location: Rooms: 2A1-2A13 (A Wing), Arts Building
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
HELP DESK: ext. 4357 (HELP)
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/its>
Information Technology Services (ITS) provides computing and communication (both voice and data) services to students, faculty and staff for instructional, research and administrative purposes. The department is responsible for all centrally managed computing and communication resources. The university's computing environment is based on UNIX and Novell. Students can activate computing accounts on a UNIX server and/or the personal (micro) computer network at any time during the academic year. As computing is deemed an integral part of learning, all registered students will have access to computing facilities. It is the university's aim to provide unrestricted access to computing, although there may be instances when resources have to be limited. There are no fees at present for using the university's computing resources. Systems can be accessed from several computer lab locations distributed across the campus including Brantford and various microcomputer labs within departments. These facilities can be accessed on an individual basis and/or in conjunction with course work. Laurier runs an integrated, networked computing environment where a student's account will run in any lab and will allow printing to any printer. Laser printing and colour printing (paper and transparencies) facilities are available in several different locations on campus, and there is a per-page charge associated with printing. ITS also provides support to specialized teaching and research resources for the campus.
ITS consists of four groups that deal with different aspects of computing. The Client Services group is responsible for the Help Desk, user training, software and hardware support. The Technical Support group provides system support to various servers, user administration, backup and file management services. The Network and Telecommunications group manages the campus data network and the telephone system. Information Systems group develops, maintains and supports Laurier's university information systems - student information, finance, alumni and development and human resources. The Information Systems group is located in room R280 (second floor), 202 Regina Street.

Help Desk – Information Technology Services
Office Location: Room 2A1 (A Wing), Arts Building
Department Phone: ext. 4357 (HELP)
Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Fall and Winter Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (while classes are in session)
Print Room Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
E-mail: <help@wlu.ca>
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/its>
Help Desk offers support to students, faculty and staff on matters relating to information technology. Help is provided by telephone, e-mail or in person.

The John Aird Centre
Performance Facilities Manager/Technical Director: John Hergel, Ext. 2134
The John Aird Centre was officially opened in November 1988. In addition to housing the faculties of Music and Social Work and the Department of Languages and Literatures, the facilities also include the Robert Langen Art Gallery, the Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, an electronic music studio, faculty offices and studios, two rehearsal halls, eight classrooms and a language laboratory.
The Maureen Forrester Recital Hall
The Maureen Forrester Recital Hall has a seating capacity of 327, and acts as the main performance space for the Faculty of Music. Community organizations such as the Canadian Chamber Ensemble, the KW Chamber Orchestra, Viva Voci Concerts and NUMUS Concerts also use the recital hall for their productions.
Theatre Auditorium
The Theatre Auditorium is a multi-purpose hall with a seating capacity of 849, and provides facilities for student assemblies, dramatic productions, concerts, public lectures and social events.

Laurier Bookstore
Manager, Bookstore and Purple & Gold: Ron Billing, ext. 3107
Location: Concourse
Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. from September to April, and Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., May to August.
Web Site: <http://www.wlubookstore.com>
The Laurier Bookstore, located in the Concourse, sells new and used textbooks, general and reference books, stationery, supplies, computer hardware and software, compact discs, greeting cards and magazines. Purple and Gold, located within the Bookstore, is the on-campus source for Laurier crested gifts and clothing. Services include special order pricing for groups and teams, Jacket Days at the end of each month and academic hood and graduation gown rentals.

Laurier International
Director of Laurier International and International Liaison: Alfred Hecht, PhD, <ahecht@wlu.ca>, ext. 6704
International Student Co-ordinator: Bojena Kelmendi, <bkelmend@wlu.ca>, ext. 6840 (refer to International Students section)
International Resource and Exchange Student Co-ordinator: Jeff Burrow, <jburrow@wlu.ca>, ext. 3784
International Relations, Faculty and Staff Co-ordinator: Ewa Dabrowska, <edabrows@wlu.ca>, ext. 6842
Office Location: Room 1-305, Dr. Alvin Woods Building
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Telephone: (519) 884-0710, ext. 6842
General Enquiries E-mail: <22lint@wlu.ca>
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwlinte/>
Laurier International was formally established in 1994 to co-ordinate the university's international activities. The mandate of Laurier International is to encourage, promote and recognize international activity through the development of linkages with international academic institutions for students, faculty and staff, and educational and international government agencies.
New partnerships are being developed to meet the global interests of Laurier students. Review the Web site on a regular basis for new and continuing international opportunities.

International Students
International graduate students interested in attending Wilfrid Laurier University may apply either for degree programs or for short-term study (one or two semesters).  For students interested in applying for degree programs, admission to the university will be based on requirements outlined by the Graduate Studies Office.  Students interested in applying for short-term study should contact Laurier International for further information.

Laurier OneCard
Manager: Nick Tomljenovic, <ntomljen@wlu.ca>, ext. 3729
Main Office: ext. 3730
Main Office E-mail: <OneCard@wlu.ca>
Office Location: Concourse
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Web Site: <http://onecard.wlu.ca>
The Laurier OneCard serves as a student identification card, meal card, library card and physical education card. Operating as a debit card, the OneCard allows access to many applications, including the Dining Hall, the Terrace Food Court, Wilf's, the on-campus coffee outlets and a number of off-campus food vendors. When purchasing snacks or meals, the amount of the purchase is deducted from the meal plan or discretionary dollars account, and an updated account balance is automatically reflected on the receipt. Meal plans can be purchased, and additional money can be added any time, at the OneCard Office.
If a OneCard is stolen or lost, it is protected once it has been reported in person at the OneCard office. OneCards lost or stolen outside of office hours can be de-activated at any food service location on campus, or it can be de-activated on the above Web site, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Replacement cards are issued for a $20.00 fee.

The University Library
University Librarian and Archivist: Sharon Brown, BA, MA, MLS, ext. 3380
Reference Librarian (Government Documents): Hélène LeBlanc, BA, MLIS, ext. 3743
Reference Librarian (Classics, French, German, History, Italian, Philosophy and Spanish): John McCallum, BA, MA, MLS, ext. 3951
Reference Librarian (Fine Arts, Music, Psychology, Religion & Culture and Seminary): Diane Peters, BA, BMus, MA, MLS, ARCT, ext. 3419
Reference Librarian (Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physical Education and Physics): Michael Skelton, BA, MA, MLS, ext. 3955
Reference Librarian (Communication Studies, English and Film Studies): Deborah Wills, BA, MA, MLA, ext. 3384
Head, Reference Services (Anthropology, Social Work, Sociology and Women's Studies): Diane Wilkins, BA, MLS, ext. 3417
Reference/Collections Librarian (Business and Economics): TBA
Archives Librarian: Joan Mitchell, BA, BLS, ext. 3825
Head, Access Services: Vera Fesnak, BA, MLS, ext. 3413
Head, Acquisitions, Serials: Linda Cracknell, BA, MA, MLIS, ext. 3303
Head, Cataloguing: Brooke Skelton, BA, MLS, ext. 3460
Cataloguer (Music): Bert Meerveld, BMus, MMus, MLS, ext. 3461
Cataloguer: Matt Tales, BA, MLIS, ext. 3839
Head, Collections Development: Joanne Oud, BA, MA, MLIS, ext. 2073
Library Information Technology Manager: Don Hamilton, BMath (Comp. Science), MMath, ext. 3336
Hours: For a complete list of hours, access the Library's Web site
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/wwwlib/index.shtml>
TriUniversity Group (TUG) Web Site: <http://wlu.tug-libraries.on.ca/>
The Wilfrid Laurier University library holds approximately 1,638,000 books and journals in hard copy or microform, and provides access to over 6,000 electronic reference tools and full text electronic journals <http://www.tug-libraries.on.ca/ejournals/>. The entire hard copy collection is open stack with the exception of Archives and Special Collections, the Music Ensemble Collection and Reserve Materials. Public computer workstations offer access to electronic resources from within the library. Remote access is available through the library's web page <http://www.wlu.ca/academic/library.shtml/>. In addition, the library is a member of the TriUniversity Group of Libraries (University of Waterloo, University of Guelph, Wilfrid Laurier University), through which access to a combined information collection in excess of 6,000,000 print items is available (see TRELLIS, <http://trellis2.tug-libraries.on.ca>, the combined online catalogue). Twice daily document delivery throughout the TUG system brings books and journals to any of the three libraries.
Identification cards from a Canadian university are required to borrow library materials. Library procedures and regulations are outlined in the publication "Check it Out: A Guide to the Library" and on the library's Web site. Official messages and notifications from the Library are sent by default to your WLU email account. You may continue to contact the library via letter, fax, email, telephone or in person. All students and faculty with a Laurier OneCard, have in-person reciprocal borrowing privileges at all Canadian University libraries (except undergraduates at the University of Toronto), and access to interlibrary loan services (enquire about restrictions for undergraduates). Electronic communication facilities link Laurier with university libraries throughout the world.

Media Technology Resources
Manager: John Durst, BA, ext. 3075
Office Location: Room 2-617, Dr. Alvin Woods Building, Room P1035, Peters Building, and Room N1058, Science Building
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8:15 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
E-mail Inquiries: <fdittenh@wlu.ca>
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/mtr>
Media Technology Resources (formerly Audio Visual) provides support to enhance the teaching and learning process by offering a variety of educational media resources and professional assistance to university faculty, students and staff. Resources available for classroom and academic use include traditional audiovisual equipment, multimedia display devices, and training and support for multimedia classrooms. Video conferencing facilities, sound recording and editing are available. Assistance is provided to search the Laurier collection of over 1,500 educational films and videos, as well as access to numerous off-campus sites. Facilities are available for creating 35mm photographic slides, laminating documents, image/text scanning, and scanning of 35mm slides and negatives. The Media Technology Resources Web site provides further details and a listing of films and videos.

Office of the Ombudsperson
Ombudsperson: Dennis Willfang, <22ombuds@wlu.ca>, ext. 3637
Voice Mail: (519) 884-0710, ext. 3637
Fax Messages: internal – 5007, external – 519-746-2472
Office Location: Room P2086, Peters Building
Office Hours: The Office of the Ombudsperson does not have regular business hours, therefore it is recommended that all initial contact should be either through voice mail or e-mail. Only the ombudsperson has access to these recording services and all of the messages will be answered by the ombudsperson within 24 hours of receiving them. Individuals may also contact the ombudsperson through the Laurier Web site.
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwombud/index.shtml>
** All information the Ombudsperson receives will be treated as personal and confidential.**
The following are excerpts from the terms of reference for the ombudsperson at Wilfrid Laurier University. A copy of the complete Terms of Reference for the Office of the Ombudsperson may be obtained from the office.
Consulting the ombudsperson is not a substitute for first seeking help or information through normal channels.
The services of the ombudsperson will be available to the staff, faculty and students at Wilfrid Laurier University. The ombudsperson is responsible for the development, recommendation and implementation of appropriate procedures to protect those who use the services of the Office of the Ombudsperson. These procedures are to include those relevant to university matters (excepting those under the mandate of the Harassment/Discrimination Office and the Employment Equity Office).
The ombudsperson will maintain the independence, objectivity and neutrality of the office at all times in order to adequately investigate, or facilitate the investigation of, any complaint, inquiry or grievance of an individual which may arise against the university or anyone in the university exercising authority, or to provide information regarding complaints and suggestions about rights and responsibilities at this university. The ombudsperson may also, using discretion, initiate inquiries.
The ombudsperson will bring findings and recommendations to the attention of the president by the most expeditious means possible, and to the university community at large to the extent that is appropriate. In particular, the ombudsperson shall identify and investigate any gaps and inadequacies in existing university procedures and policies that might jeopardize the rights of members of the Laurier community.
The ombudsperson has no power to order changes in rules, regulations, policies or procedures. The ombudsperson has the power to investigate and to recommend.
Refer to the University Policies chapter for more information.

Parking Services
Assistant Vice-President, Physical Resources: Ron Dupuis, <rdupuis@wlu.ca>, ext. 6210
Office Location: Room 101, 202 Regina Street
Manager, Parking and Operational Services: Mary Basler, <mbasler@wlu.ca>, ext. 3697
Office Location: Room 247, 202 Regina Street
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/parking>
Faculty, Staff and Student Parking Permits: Business Office, ext. 3696
Office Location: Second floor, 202 Regina Street
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
E-mail: <busioff@mach1.wlu.ca>
Parking Services manages both on-campus and off-campus parking. This includes the development, operation and maintenance of parking facilities, establishing and through campus security enforcing parking regulations, setting fees, issuing permits and maintaining all associated records.

Office of Part-Time, Distance, Continuing Education and Instructional Development
Director of Part-Time, Distance, Continuing Education and Instructional Development: Sandra Hughes, BA, <shughes@wlu.ca>, ext. 4104
Manager of Distance Education and Instructional Development: Jeanette McDonald, BASc, MSc, <jmcdonal@wlu.ca>, ext. 3211
Co-ordinator, Continuing Education and Stock Market Competition: Lisa Fanjoy, BA, <lfanjoy@wlu.ca>, ext. 4106
Co-ordinator, Technical: Jeff Morrison, BA, <jmorriso@wlu.ca>, ext. 4606
Co-ordinator, Marketing: Mary Scott, BA, BEd, <mscott@wlu.ca>, ext. 4722
Office Location: Room 293, Second floor, 202 Regina Street North
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
E-mail: <22coned@wlu.ca> or <distance@wlu.ca>
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/pts>
The Office of Part-Time, Distance, Continuing Education and Instructional Development is responsible for developing and supporting a range of certificate programs, on-line distance education courses, and instructional seminars, workshops and conferences. These learning opportunities are built on the strengths and interests of the university's faculty and are designed to meet the needs of local, national and international communities.
Instructional Development is committed to supporting quality teaching and the professional development of Laurier faculty and teaching staff. In support of these goals, Instructional Development provides a number of services and resources (e.g. workshops, customized support, individual consultations, peer mentoring) addressing a broad range of teaching and learning issues and topics, including course planning and design, collecting student feedback and assessment.

Race Relations
Refer to the University Policies chapter for more information.

Office of Research
Co-ordinator of Research Services: Sally Gray, BA, MA, Ext. 3131
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/research>

This office is responsible for the development of research policy; for the promotion and administration of research activity by faculty and graduate students; for reviewing research proposals involving human subjects or animals, especially with respect to matters of ethics, legal liability and animal care; for serving as the research liaison agency between the university and local public and separate school boards; and, for assisting faculty in applying for grants and contracts. The office publishes a bi-monthly newsletter, Research@WLU, to inform the university community about grant deadlines, new research programs, changes in existing research programs and policies, and general matters of interest to the university community. For current information consult the Office of Research Web site.

Research Centres
Research activity at Laurier is expanding rapidly, with an increasing number of faculty earning national and international reputations in their areas of expertise. To facilitate and encourage research, the following research centres have been established. These centres create a focus for research by a group of scholars and provide a research environment to stimulate and nurture the research training of graduate students.

Centre for Global Relations, Governance and Policy
Director: Paul Heinbecker, ext. 3097
The Laurier Centre for Global Relations, Governance and Policy was established in 2003, and is a federation of existing Laurier organizations, activities and individuals who share common research and practical interest in improving international relations and governance. These include: The Viessman Research Centre on Modern Europe, The Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies, The Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS), the Political Science Department, and the Global Studies program. It is designed to animate research and practical initiatives that can improve the governability and stability of international relations and the global community.
CIGI, which is supported by the Government of Canada as well as the private sector, is an independent centre for scholarly research and policy advocacy established in July 2002, to support improvements in multilateral governance, in particular international economic and financial governance. CIGI has formed linkages with a number of prominent organizations, including the World Economic Forum.

Clarica Financial Services
Director: Dr. William McNally, ext. 2953
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwsbe/sbe2000/html/clarica.html>
The Financial Services Research Centre, located within the School of Business and Economics, initiates research on Canadian capital markets and financial institutions, and develops research and communication links between faculty and practitioners in the financial sector. The centre provides financial support for the acquisition of Canadian and US electronic financial databases accessible to students and faculty at Laurier. The centre also publishes a monography series, which covers topics such as financial derivatives, equity valuation, financial reforms and global interest rate linkages.

Cold Regions Research Centre
Director: Dr. Michael English, ext. 6993
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwcoldr>
The mandate of the Cold Regions Research Centre is to facilitate research and teaching about cold regions. Where possible, interdisciplinary research is encouraged. Membership in the centre extends to professors in several departments at Laurier and the University of Waterloo, and government research institutions in other provinces and the Northwest Territories. Current research by graduate students, professors and research scientists associated with the centre focus on cold regions hydrology, glaciology, geomorphology and resource management in diverse cold regions environments including Pakistan, the Canadian Arctic and subarctic, Alaska and the Yukon, the Rocky Mountains and the northern temperate region of Ontario's Canadian Shield.

The Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies
Co-Directors: Professor Terry Copp, 519-885-9523 and Dr. Marc Kilgour, 519-885-9522
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwmsds/>
The Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies (LCMSDS) was founded in 1991 to foster research, teaching and public discussion of military and strategic issues of national and international significance. The research activities of the centre are multidisciplinary, with concentrations in military history and in the strategic analysis of defence operations, including peacekeeping and arms control. The strategy component emphasizes the use of formal methods to analyze strategic problems and find practical solutions. The history component focuses on the armed forces of Canada and the conflicts in which they have been engaged. The LCMSDS supports, as well, classroom teaching and other educational activities in several departments, including History, Mathematics and Political Science.

Laurier Centre for Music Therapy Research
Director: Heidi Ahonen-Eerikainen, ext. 2431
Web Site: <http://www.soundeffects.wlu.ca>
The Laurier Centre for Music Therapy Research (LCMTR) is the first university-based centre in Canada and only the fourth in the world. The overall focus of the centre will be to strengthen and shape the status of professional music therapy and music therapy research in Canada. The LCMTR will create a synergy among the research team members' areas of expertise, combining approaches and theoretical models to further the study of music therapy and its impact throughout the world. The LCMTR will provide a context for a wide variety of research and educational initiatives, involving and ultimately benefiting undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students, and music therapy professionals and researches in music therapy and allied disciplines.

Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy (LISPOP)
Director, LISPOP: Steven Brown, PhD, <sdbrown@wlu.ca>, ext. 3895
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/LISPOP/>
The Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy studies issues pertaining to the creation, use and representation of public opinion in the policy process. The institute serves as a catalyst to promote individual and collaborative research on these issues. In addition, the institute monitors the practices and claims of the public opinion and interest group industries, and serves as an educational resource to the university and the larger community on questions and issues pertaining to those claims and practices.

Viessmann Research Centre on Modern Europe
Director: Dr. Alfred Hecht, ext. 2608
Associate Director: Dr. Pierre Siklos, ext. 2559
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwgeog/special/viessman/index.htm>
The centre fosters multidisciplinary research on new and dynamic issues facing Europe in the 21st century. Relevant topics of research include European integration, regional development, external linkages, trade and political expansion as well as other overarching socio-economic problems. The centre also focuses on the so-called accession countries, that is, the countries currently hoping to join the European Community and how they relate to the older established countries.
Over time, there has been a substantial interest in Europe by Laurier faculty and students. The initial start for this centre occurred in 1992 when a number of Laurier professors formed an informal research interest group on Europe, which has worked with a similar interest group at the Phillipps University in Marburg, Germany, a partner institution of Laurier. The group has held a number of symposia over time, hosted guest lectures, and published a discussion paper series on Europe, lately as papers on the internet.

Residential Services
Director of Residential Services: Michael Belanger, BA, <mbelange@wlu.ca>, ext. 3188
Manager of Housing Services and Residence Life: Chris Dodd, BA, <cdodd@wlu.ca>, ext. 3455
Office Location: Ground floor, Macdonald House
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwhouse/>
Full-time registration is mandatory in order to maintain tenancy in residence. Residence facilities are provided in 17 main residence buildings, which house approximately 2,450 single men and women. Of this number, 300 students are housed in the 10-story co-ed apartment-style Bricker residence. The first floor has facilities for students with special needs. The remaining nine floors have 71 apartment "suites" for single students. Each furnished suite has four single bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a kitchen, living and dining room. Common facilities include television lounge, games room and study room.
The majority of bed spaces in residence are reserved for first-year students. A limited number of graduate, senior, seminary and exchange students are housed in Bricker residence.
Bricker Residence accommodates 300 single men and women in apartment-style, self-contained units (eight residence staff members).

Off-Campus Housing
Director of Residential Services: Michael Belanger, BA, <mbelange@wlu.ca>, ext. 3188
Manager of Housing Services and Residence Life: Chris Dodd, BA, <cdodd@wlu.ca>, ext. 3455
Office Location: Ground floor, Macdonald House
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwhouse/>

The university Housing Office operates an extensive listing service that provides all students with information regarding off-campus accommodation. General housing information, maps, telephones and advice are available for students who wish to live in private housing. The Housing Office is located on the ground floor of Macdonald House at the west entrance, ext. 3746 or 3236.

Security Services
Manager, Security Services: Peter Jorg, ext. 3426
Office Location: Lower floor, Student Services Building (adjacent to the Dining Hall)
The campus Security Services Office provides 24-hour coverage and also works with student groups such as the Foot Patrol (which provides escorts for students travelling to or from campus late at night). Security is always available at ext. 3333.

Student Awards Office
Director: Pauline G. Wong, BA, Ext. 6094
Web Site: <www.wlu.ca/~wwwsa/>
The Student Awards Office is located on the second floor of 202 Regina Street. The office processes applications for various government programs, including the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), the Ontario Special Bursary Program (OSBP) and the Ontario Work Study Program (OWSP). Funding for child care bursaries and bursaries for persons with disabilities are also available to those applicants who qualify. General bursaries are provided in the winter and spring terms to students showing a need. A short term loan fund is also available.

Wilfrid Laurier University Alumni Association
Director, Alumni Relations: Brian Breckles, BA, MBA, Ext. 3174
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/lsa>
Founded in 1927, the WLU Alumni Association has over 50,000 members worldwide. The mission statement of the association reads: "The WLU Alumni Association seeks to foster alumni interaction with the students, the university, and the community, to promote active alumni participation in the affairs of the university; to assist in securing the university as an independent institution; and to enhance the university's profile as a small institution committed to academic excellence."
A 25-member, elected Board of Directors governs the association, and alumni representatives also sit on the University Senate and Board of Governors. In order to fulfill its mission, the association manages several affinity programs benefiting alumni and the university alike. Revenue from life, home and auto insurance, an affinity credit card, long distance and Internet access programs are used to fund scholarships for Laurier students, alumni and student events, Homecoming, as well as alumni chapter programs.
The Laurier Student Alumni is a vibrant group of students who participate and plan many great events including an annual Parents' Day, Student Exam Care Packages and degree framing for graduands. More information can be found at <http://www.wlu.ca/lsa>

Wilfrid Laurier University Graduate Students' Association (WLUGSA)
WLUGSA President, 2004-2005: Dickson E. Atsenuwa, BA
Office Location: 2C11 Arts Building
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwgsa/index.shtml>
E-mail: 00gsa@mach1.wlu.ca
The Graduate Students’ Association (GSA), an incorporated non-profit organization, was formed in 1985 to represent the interests of graduate students. Members of the Canadian Federation of Students, the GSA provides a strong graduate student voice for both academic and social issues at Wilfrid Laurier University. In addition, it is the aim of the GSA to provide services and facilitate interaction among graduate students from diverse disciplines and professions. Some examples are the health and dental plans, the GSA office, various social activities, and much more. The GSA also maintains an active listserv and Web site which provides a valuable source of resources for students.

Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Director: Brian Henderson, PhD, <brian@press.wlu.ca>, ext. 6123
Office Location: Room 129, 202 Regina Street
Web Site: <http://www.wlupress.wlu.ca>
WLU Press contributes to the dissemination of new knowledge and to understanding the complexity of our lives and the world by publishing scholarly books and journals in the humanities and social sciences. It also publishes textbooks and works of more general interest. The books are written by scholars living across Canada and are sold and reviewed around the world. An editorial committee composed of eight faculty members at Laurier determines which manuscripts the press will publish after readers in the field have assessed each manuscript.

Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union (WLUSU)
WLUSU President: Dan Herman, ext. 3409
WLUSU Vice President: University Affairs: Meighan Doherty, ext. 3434
Main Office: ext. 3335
Office Location: Third floor, Fred Nichols Campus Centre
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Web Site: <http://www.wlusu.com>
The Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union is a student-owned and operated non-profit corporation. Its vision is to provide "a positive experience for every student." As the official representative for all undergraduate students, elected student representatives work to strengthen and improve services offered to students on campus and within the community, and to voice student issues and concerns to the university community.
The Students' Union offers over 1,300 volunteer opportunities for all undergraduate students. In the eight business operations, WLUSU offers over 300 part-time jobs and is committed to providing a variety of opportunities to enhance the student experience through professional and personal development. Volunteer departments include Marketing, Student Activities, Student Services, Human Resources Development, Finance and Administration, University Affairs and the Office of the President and Board of Directors. WLUSU strives to enhance student leadership and development through safety, educational, community and support services, promotional activities and event organization, community involvement and official student representative experience.

Women's Centre
E-mail: <22women@wlu.ca>
Office Location: Theatre Auditorium Link #04, ext. 4444
Hours of Operation: contact the centre for hours of operation
The Women's Centre is committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for all women at Laurier. It operates as a resource and referral service and serves all students, staff and faculty. The centre consists of an office and a library/lounge room and is run by women volunteers who function as a collective.

Writing Centre
Co-ordinator: Emmy Misser, MA, <emisser@wlu.ca>, ext. 3339
Office Location: Room 2C5-ABC, Second floor, Arts Building
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Web Site: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwwc/>
The Writing Centre provides free writing instruction for all Laurier students, both undergraduate and graduate. The purpose of the centre, affiliated with Instructional Development, is to promote and enhance academic writing skills in all faculties of the university.
The program for graduate students is provided by the co-ordinator and offers individual writing consultations, class presentations on specific writing issues and marking workshops for teaching assistants. The co-ordinator gives discipline-specific class presentations and workshops and tailors generic writing presentations to suit the needs of each specific course.
Consultations at the Writing Centre are booked in advance, and students bring either previously marked papers or papers in progress for a critical review. The co-ordinator or a student tutor will assess the major strengths and weaknesses of the paper brought in and discuss revision strategies to enhance global concerns such as focus, analytical structure, and argument to help students understand the particular requirements of academic writing. Sentence-level writing problems will also be discussed to teach students how to communicate their thoughts clearly and precisely in agreement with the conventions of written English.
The desired outcome of a consultation at the Writing Centre is to help students understand how to engage in the tasks of academic writing and how to revise and edit their papers to be able to live up to the expected standards. Students are encouraged to conceive of writing as part of the learning process and to commit themselves actively to the long-term goal of writing at a professional level. Handouts and resources on all aspects of writing for the different academic disciplines are available both in hard copies at the centre or electronically on the Web to assist students. The Writing Centre Web site is well developed and connects the user with major academic writing sites in North America.