Environmental/Health and Safety Office
 Environmental/Health and Safety Co-ordinator:
      Pat Ferraro, RN, DOH, CRSP, Ext. 2874, 2875
 Office Location: P2086, Peters Building
 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
      The Environmental/Health and Safety Co-ordinator develops and
      recommends policies and procedures relating to campus safety, and
      informs and educates the University community regarding
      responsibilities with respect to occupational health and safety
      legislative requirements. The position also encourages good
      environmental practices and attitudes. Consult this office for
      additional policy detail.

    Smoking is prohibited in all University buildings
with the exception of designated areas of the Student Union
Building and the Residences (WLU Policy #16-7, July 1987).