Laurier International
 Director: Dr. Francis J. Turner, Ext. 6704
 International Liaison Officer: Teresa Walkey, Ext. 6840
 Office Location: 202 Regina Street, Room 106G,H
 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
      In response to the globalization of economies and cultures, the
      need for systematic support of international efforts at WLU was
      recognized in a study prepared by the AdHoc International
      Education Strategy Committee. Established in March 1994, Laurier
      International will encourage, promote and recognize international
      activity through the development of policies and guidelines for
      exchange agreements, international visitors and students, and
      international project work. The office also develops and supports
      events, information systems and publications to foster
      international awareness on campus and the concurrent awareness
      building of WLU's international activities and capabilities both
      on campus and off.

    Wilfrid Laurier University currently has exchange
agreements with universities in Austria, France, Germany,
Ireland, and Spain. Some of these agreements are limited to
specific faculties. Exchange agreements are being discussed with
Chile, Ghana, Mexico, and the United Kingdom.