[Calendar Home Page] Wilfrid Laurier University - 2001/2002 Undergraduate Academic Calendar

Faculty of Arts

Honours BA French Language and Literature

The Honours French program consists of a minimum of 20 full-credit courses (or equivalent), not more than six of which may be at the 100 level. Students must take at least 11 but no more than 12 credits in French.
(Note: LL200 and LL201 can be counted towards the 11 credits required in French.)

Required courses:

First Year
FR230; either FR231 or FR240; LL200 and LL201, or any two senior French half-credits

Second Year
FR250 and FR251

Third Year

Fourth Year

In addition to the requirements above, the following must be completed at some point in the program: FR332 or FR433; FR336 or FR437; two of FR334, FR335, FR434, FR435; and four of the following culture courses: FR232, FR233, FR234, FR235, FR236, FR237.


  1. Students with ability in the French Language above the OAC level (e.g., bilingual, francophone or French immersion students) should consult the Department concerning advanced placement in courses. Such advanced placement may depend upon the results of a test administered before the beginning of a term.
  2. Students who intend to go into high school teaching are advised to take FR350, FR360 and FR450.

* Third Year Abroad

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Official electronic version updated on February 4, 2002

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