[Calendar Home Page] Wilfrid Laurier University - 2001/2002 Undergraduate Academic Calendar

Faculty of Science

Honours BA Psychology

The Honours BA Psychology program consists of 20 full-credit courses (or equivalent), including at least 10.5 but not more than 12.5 credits in Psychology. A maximum of six credits at the 100 level may be included in the program.

The non-Psychology electives must include at least one full-credit equivalent from each of the following groups:

Group I: BI100*, BI101*, CH100*, CH101*; either BU115 or CP102; CP104, CP114, CP120/PC120, GL100*, MA103, MA104, MA105, MA121, MA122, MA130, MA141, PC100*, PC102*, PC110*, a senior credit in any of these disciplines (excluding Business) or a senior credit in Physical Geography.

Group II: AN101, AN102, CT111, CT112, EC120, EC140, GG100*, PO110, PO111, SY100*, or a senior credit in any of these disciplines except Physical Geography.

Group III: Archaeology; Classics; CT231, CT232, English; non-studio Film Studies; non-studio Fine Arts; History; Languages and Literatures; Music History; Philosophy; Religion and Culture, TR101, TR111.

First Year
PS100* and four elective credits. (Ordinarily students will include one credit from each of the above three groups.)

Second Year
Five credits including: PS295, PS296; either PS270 or PS275; either PS280 or PS282; two of PS260, PS261, PS262, PS263.
Students are required to include a field placement in their program. This can be accomplished by doing one of the following on-campus courses: PS275, PS276, PS277, PS282, PS283, or PS379.

Third Year
Five credits including: at least two of PS395, PS396, or PS397; at least two of PS360, PS361, PS362, PS363, PS370, PS375, or PS382, of which at least one must be completed during Third Year; at least two of PS460, PS461, PS462, PS463, PS465, PS470, PS475, PS480, or PS482, of which at least one must be completed during Third Year.

Fourth Year
Five credits, including PS390 (which may be completed in either Third or Fourth Year), and either PS499* or one additional credit in Psychology at the 300 or 400 level (see note below).

Note: It is recommended that all students considering graduate work register for the thesis course (PS499*) in Fourth Year. Students who do not take PS499* must substitute a full credit equivalent in Psychology at the 300 or 400 level. Students are advised that admission to the Honours Psychology program does not guarantee admission to PS499*.

Faculty of Science
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Official electronic version updated on February 4, 2002

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