[Calendar Home Page] Wilfrid Laurier University - 2002/2003 Undergraduate Academic Calendar

Course Description

BI465* Developmental Biology 1.0

An examination of the dynamic nature of embryonic development, with emphasis on the experimental approach to embryology. Laboratory work includes a comparative study of the morphological changes during embryogenesis of invertebrates and vertebrates, including fish, amphibians, birds and mammals. Experimental work includes induced breeding of amphibians, artificial parthenogenesis, regeneration, chorioallantoic grafting, and other experiments involving organ and tissue culture.†

Prerequisite: One of BI203*, BI253*, or both BI230 and BI240 (BI200*), or both BI232 and BI242 (BI202*).
2 lecture hours, 4 lab hours

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DRAFT electronic version updated at 1:45 p.m. January 30, 2003

[LAURIER Home Page] [COMMENTS] M. Watson, Editor [Course Timetable] Course Timetable