[Calendar Home Page] Wilfrid Laurier University - 2003/2004 Undergraduate Academic Calendar

Academic Awards and Scholarships


A scholarship is a monetary award to assist full-time students in the pursuit of their studies. Scholarships are granted on a competitive basis. The primary consideration in this competition is academic achievement, though other factors, such as extra-curricular involvement, voluntary commitments, citizenship, residency or proven financial need may be required for specific scholarships. An endowed scholarship is granted from investment income generated by the original gift to the university. An annual award is paid directly by the donor on an annual basis. The University may allot scholarships by faculty. The university reserves the right to not award a specific scholarship if it is determined that no eligible applicants are identified. The stated value of scholarships is subject to change. Scholarships offered by the university are tenable only at Laurier.

General Regulations for all Undergraduate Scholarships

  1. Students must be registered in 5.0 full credits for the fall and winter terms. Students in their final year of studies are permitted to carry a reduced course load of no less than 80 percent (4.0 credits) over the fall and winter terms.
  2. Calculation of the scholarship/award will be based on the GPA (grade point average) from the fall and winter terms of the previous acadmic year. Students must have attained 5.0 full credits in the previous fall and winter terms. Co-op students may satisfy this requirement in any two of the previous fall, winter and spring terms.
  3. International exchange students may be eligible to receive a scholarship/award.

Entrance Scholarships: <http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwsa/scholarship/entrance/index.html>
In-Course Scholarships: <

Scholarships - Open to All Faculties: <
Scholarships - Arts: <
Scholarships - Brantford: <
Scholarships - Music: <
Scholarships - Science: <
Scholarships - Business and Economics: <

Academic Awards and Scholarships

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Official electronic version updated at 4:25 p.m. December 18, 2003

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