[Calendar Home Page] Wilfrid Laurier University - 2003/2004 Undergraduate Academic Calendar

Faculty of Arts


Department of Languages and Literatures
Ira Ashcroft, PhD, Chair

(Refer to faculty listing under Languages and Literatures.)

Note: Within the following program descriptions, SP261 and SP262 may be taken on a cross-registered basis at the University of Waterloo as Sp. 251A and Sp. 251B respectively.

* Honours BA Spanish

* Honours BA Spanish in Combination with another Honours BA Program

* General BA Spanish

* General BA Business Spanish

* Spanish Minor

* Business Spanish Minor

* Spanish Courses

Faculty of Arts
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Official electronic version updated at 4:25 p.m. December 18, 2003

[LAURIER Home Page] [COMMENTS] M. Watson, Editor [Course Timetable] Course Timetable