[Calendar Home Page] Wilfrid Laurier University - 2004-2005 Undergraduate Academic Calendar

School of Business & Economics

Honours BBA/Honours Economics

Students apply to co-op by Monday of the second week of classes in September of Year 2. Enrolment in co-op is limited, and the admission process is highly competitive.
Application procedure includes:

  1. completion of an application form and submission of a résumé,
  2. full-time registration in Honours Business Administration or Honours Economics,
  3. an admission interview.

In order to qualify for an admission interview in the fall of Year 2, applicants' Year 1 marks must meet the minimum GPA set annually by the Co-op Office. Selection of candidates is based on marks, experience and an interview. Admission decisions are made in mid-October.

School of Business & Economics
Co-operative Education Option
Application Procedure

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Official electronic version updated at 10:33 a.m. March 31, 2005

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