[Calendar Home Page] Wilfrid Laurier University - 2004-2005 Undergraduate Academic Calendar

Governing Bodies, Administration and Faculty

Professors Emeritus

As of July 6, 2004

Albright, W. Paul, BA, MBA (McMaster), PhD (Buffalo); Professor Emeritus of Business (1965)

Auerbach, Alan J., BA (Toronto), MA (Waterloo); Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology (1969)

Ballin, Michael, BA (Oxford), MA (McMaster), PhD (Toronto); Associate Professor Emeritus of English (1968)

Berczi, Andrew, BSc, BA (Sir George Williams), MBA, PhD (McGill); Professor Emeritus of Business (1978)

Bezner, Hart, BA, BSc, PhD (McMaster); Associate Professor Emeritus of Physics and Computing (1967)

Borrás, Angelo, BA (Kentucky), MA (Indiana), PhD (Penn State); Professor Emeritus of Languages and Literatures (1974)

Cabena, Barrie, FRCO, FRCCO, FTCL, ARCM, DD honoris causa (Atlantic); Professor Emeritus of Music (1970)

Calder, Loren D., BA, MA (British Columbia), MPhil (London); Professor Emeritus of History (1960)

Campbell, Jane L., BA (Queen's), MLitt (Oxford), PhD (Toronto); Professor Emerita of English (1961)

Christie, T. Laird, BA, MA, PhD (Toronto); Associate Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Anthropology (1969) (1974)

Dengler, Daniel J., BA (WLU), MBA (Detroit); Professor Emeritus of Business (1964)

Diggory, Thomas J., MBA (Harvard), PhD (Bath), FCMC, CMA; Professor Emeritus of Business (1980)

Dolbeer, Martin L., BA (Gettysburg), MDiv (Wittenberg), ThD (Hartford Seminary Foundation); Professor Emeritus of Religion and Culture (1959)

Doyle, James, BA (Laurentian), MA (Toronto), PhD (British Columbia); Professor Emeritus of English (1974)

Elsaesser, Ralph, BA (WLU), ARCT, Licentiate Diploma (Berne); Associate Professor Emeritus of Music (1971)

Falk, David, BA, LLB (Winnipeg), DM (Indiana); Associate Professor Emeritus of Music (1974)

Fischer, Rosemary G., BMus (Oberlin), MMus (Michigan), EdD (Georgia), RMT-BC-MTA; Professor Emerita of Music (1986)

Fisher, James, MSc (Minnesota), CA; Professor Emeritus of Business (1985)

Fisher, Robert W., BA (Duke), MDiv (Union Theological Seminary), PhD (Columbia); Associate Professor Emeritus of Religion and Culture (1967)

Frenzel, K. Arnold, BA (Pacific Lutheran), MA (Washington); Associate Professor Emeritus of Economics (1969)

Friesen, Gerhard K., BA (WLU), MA, PhD (Johns Hopkins); Professor Emeritus of Languages and Literatures (1974)

Granskou, David, BA (St. Olaf), BTh (Luther Theological Seminary), PhD (Princeton Theological Seminary); Professor Emeritus of Religion and Culture (1971)

Greene, Gordon K., AMus, BA, BEd, MA (Alberta), PhD (Indiana); Professor Emeritus of Music (1978)

Hall, Anne C., BM, MM, PhD (Michigan); Professor Emerita of Music (1976)

Haney, Reginald A., QC, BA (Western), LLB (Osgoode), MA (WLU), LLM (York); Professor Emeritus of Business (1974)

Hanna, Edward, BA, MSW (Michigan State), PhD (Smith); Professor Emeritus of Social Work (1973)

Healey, P. Basil, BA (Western), MBA (Detroit), MA (Michigan), PhD (Michigan State); Professor Emeritus of Business (1962)

Heick, Welf H., BA (Western), MA (Queen's), PhD (Duke); Professor Emeritus of History (1961)

Jenkins, John R. G., BA, MA (Cambridge), MBA (Toronto), DBA (Harvard), DPhil (Oxford); Professor Emeritus of Business (1970)

Kuruvilla, P. K., BA (Kerala), MA (Poona), MA, PhD (Carleton); Professor Emeritus of Political Science (1968)

Langen, Robert B., BA, BD (Western), MA (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of Philosophy (1955)

Laurence, Martha, BS (Springfield), BSW (Toronto), MSW (Wayne State), PhD (Michigan); Professor Emerita of Social Work (1985)

Lit, John, BSc, DipEd (Hong Kong), DSc (Laval); Professor Emeritus of Physics and Computing (1977)

Martens, Victor, BA (WLU), ARCT, LLD honoris causa (Waterloo); Professor Emeritus of Music (1969)

McCauley, Robert W., BA, MA (Toronto), PhD (Western); Professor Emeritus of Biology (1965)

McDonald, Boyd, ARCT, LRSM; Professor Emeritus of Music (1976)

McMurry, John H., BSc, MPA, PhD (Michigan); Professor Emeritus of Geography (1962)

Melichercik, John, BA, BSW, MSW (Toronto), PhD (Chicago); Professor Emeritus of Social Work (1971)

Morgenson, Donald F., BA (St. Olaf), MA (Penn State), PhD (London); Professor Emeritus of Psychology (1960)

Muncaster, Russell W., BA (WLU), MA, PhD (Clark); Professor Emeritus of Geography and Environmental Studies (1969)

Murray, J. Alex, BComm (Windsor), MBA (McMaster), PhD (Illinois); Professor Emeritus of Business (1982)

Naidoo, Josephine, BS (Witwatersrand), MA, PhD (Illinois); Professor Emerita of Psychology (1969)

Nelson, Morton, BComm, MBA (McMaster), PhD (Bradford); Professor Emeritus of Accounting (1984)

Overduin, Jan, BA, MMus (Western), MA (Waterloo), FRCCO, FTCL, ARCT, AAGO; Professor Emeritus of Music (1978)

Parson, Helen, BA (Carleton), MA (Toronto), PhD (Kentucky); Associate Professor Emerita of Geography and Environmental Studies (1975)

Peters, John F., BA (Wheaton), MA (Northern Illinois), PhD (Western Michigan); Professor Emeritus of Sociology and Anthropology (1973)

Rahn, Sheldon L., BA (Cornell), MDiv (Union Theological Seminary), MSW (Wayne State), DSW (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of Social Work (1966)

Raj, Baldev, BA, MA (Delhi), MA, PhD (Western); Professor Emeritus of Economics (1972); WLU Research Professor (1989)

Redekop, John, BA, BEd (British Columbia), MA (California), PhD (Washington); Professor Emeritus of Political Science (1968)

Remus, Harold, BA (Minnesota), MDiv (Concordia Seminary), PhD (Pennsylvania); Professor Emeritus of Religion and Culture (1981)

Rodrigo, Russell G. A., BSc (Ceylon), PhD (Nottingham); Professor Emeritus of Chemistry (1969); WLU Research Professor (1992)

Roy, Flora, BA, MA (Saskatchewan), PhD (Toronto), DLitt honoris causa (WLU); Professor Emerita of English (1948)

Schmidt, Herminio, BA (WLU), MA, PhD (Waterloo); Associate Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages and Literatures (1978) (1986)

Scully, Terence P., BA, MA, PhD (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of French Language and Literature (1961)

Stewart, Max D., BA, BComm (Alberta), MA (Toronto), PhD (Michigan State); Professor Emeritus of Economics (1956) (1961) (1974)

Stolar, Robert, BComm (Toronto), MBA (McMaster), PhD (Florida), CA; Associate Professor Emeritus of Business (1973) (2000)

Swediuk-Melichercik, Helen, BA, MA, PhD (Toronto); Associate Professor Emerita of Modern Languages and Literatures (1961)

Toombs, Lawrence E., BA, BSc (Acadia), BD (Halifax), PhD (Drew); Professor Emeritus of Religion and Culture (1969)

Turner, Francis J., BA (Western), BSW, MSW (Ottawa), DSW (Columbia); Professor Emeritus of Social Work (1966) (1992)

Watson, Wynnfield Y., BA, PhD (Toronto); Professor Emeritus of Biology (1974)

Weir, John A., BComm (St. Dunstan's), MBA (Western), PhD (Notre Dame); Professor Emeritus of Economics (1965); President Emeritus

Wellwood, Arnold A., BA, BSc (Acadia), PhD (Cornell); Professor Emeritus of Biology (1963)

Wickham, Edcil, BA (Sir George Williams), MSW (McGill); Associate Professor Emeritus of Social Work (1971)

Young, Bruce S., BA, MA (Cambridge), MA (Rhodes), PhD (Natal); Professor Emeritus of Geography and Environmental Studies (1974)

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