Course Description
The course covers concepts and techniques in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
CP213 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
Dr. Ilias S. Kotsireas
Office: N2076A, Office Hours: 24/7 and by appointment, Phone: 884-0710 ext. 2218, E-Mail: ikotsireATwlu.ca
Important Course Information
Course Textbook
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
(3rd Edition),
S. Russell, P. Norvig, Prentice Hall
Textbook Support Website http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu
date posted: September 22, 2016
due date: October 6, 2016
date posted: October 26, 2016
due date: November 9, 2016
code demo: November 10, 2016
Lecture Topics (corresponding to the 12 weeks schedule)
- Introduction, Intelligent Agents
- Problem solving, searching
- Metaheuristics I: Local Search, Tabu Search, Hill Climbing
- Metaheuristics II: Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Automated Reasoning, Prolog
- Knowledge Representation
- Knowledge-based systems
- Machine Learning
- Neural Networks I: Architectures, Pattern Classification
- Neural Networks II: Single-layer, Multi-layer
- Term Projects Presentations
Class Schedule, Fall Semester Timetable
| Mon | Wed |
| 17:30-18:50 | 17:30-18:50 |
| N1057 | N1057 |
| | |
Week 1: | Sep 12 | Sep 14 |
Week 2: | Sep 19 | Sep 21 |
Week 3: | Sep 26 | Sep 28 |
Week 4: | Oct 03 | Oct 05 |
Oct 10, Thanksgiving, Oct 11 - 14 Fall Reading Week
Week 5: | Oct 17 | Oct 19 |
Week 6: | Oct 24 | Oct 26 |
Week 7: | Oct 31 | Nov 02 (M) |
Week 8: | Nov 07 | Nov 09 |
Week 9: | Nov 14 | Nov 16 |
Week 10: | Nov 21 | Nov 23 |
Week 11: | Nov 28 | Nov 30 |
Week 12: | Dec 05 | Dec 07 |
| | |
Course Requirements/Student Evaluation
- The course final grade is computed based on the 4 components:
A1, A2, M, TP, explained in more detail below.
- The course final grade is computed as:
A1*(20/100) + A2*(20/100) + M*(30/100) + TP*(30/100)
- (A1) Assignment 1: 20%, due date: TBA.
- (A2) Assignment 2: 20%, due date: TBA.
- Important Information regarding assignment submission:
- Late assignments will be marked with 0.
- All assignment submissions will be by e-mail only.
- All assignment submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.
- All assignment submissions must be typeset (LaTeX, Word).
- All assignment submissions must be by .pdf file attachment only.
- Send one .pdf file only, for the entire assignment.
- Use the following naming schemes, for your A1 and A2 .pdf files:
(these are dash characters, not underscores)
- Your .pdf file should have a cover page, all pages should be
numbered and on each page include a header with your name, course code, submission date, and A1 (or A2)
- Assignment submissions that violate any of the above requirements, will not be accepted/marked.
- (M) Midterm: 30%, November 02, 2016, in class.
- (TP) Term Project: 30%, due date: December 4, 2016
All students will be required to prepare a Term Project, details in class.
Students may form groups (of no more than 4 students each) to work on the Term Project collaboratively.
Each group will have to deliver a project document and conduct a project demonstration.
Term Project Demonstrations Schedule
(You are strongly advised to upload your presentation materials on the classroom computer beforehand,
and/or test your laptop with the classroom console beforehand,
to avoid unexpected delays, arising due to technical difficulties, during your presentations)
Monday, December 5, 2016:
Group 1: 5:30 -- 5:45 PathPl LG MA JC BO
Group 2: 5:45 -- 6:00 NN-based Intrusion Detection System RM DR
Group 3: 6:00 -- 6:15 PathPl AC LH PM
Group 4: 6:15 -- 6:30 CSP N-Queens UM
Group 5: 6:30 -- 6:45 PathPl PP OF CS
Group 6: 6:45 -- 7:00 PathPl AR BK GN WY
Group 7: 7:00 -- 7:15 CSP N-Queens SZ XG YL
Wednesday, December 7, 2016:
Group 8: 5:30 -- 5:45 CW(n,k) LC JS WW
Group 9: 5:45 -- 6:00 CSP N-Queens TT RA KM BW
Group 10: 6:00 -- 6:15 GAs CG
Group 11: 6:15 -- 6:30 GAs JL SG RH
Group 12: 6:30 -- 6:45 CW(n,k) QO MO
Group 13: 6:45 -- 7:00 PathPl NH JS XG
Resources for further study
- AAAI (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)
- IJCAI (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
- Artificial Intelligence an Elsevier journal
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence a Springer journal
- Machine Learning a Springer journal
- Journal of Heuristics a Springer journal
- Computational Intelligence a Wiley journal
- LNAI (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) a Springer series
- Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence ACM Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research