Course Description
The course provides an introduction to the basic features of Database Management Systems
(DBMS), focusing on Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs).
Students will obtain an understanding of how the
different components of a DBMS system fit together. They will
write programs to interact with a particular DBMS as a case
CP264 or permission of the Depatment
Course Staff
- Instructor: Dr. Ilias S. Kotsireas,
Office: N2076A, Phone: 884-0710 ext. 2218, E-Mail: ikotsireATwlu.ca
- Assistant: Mr. David Brown,
responsible for the course assignments, E-Mail: dbrownATwlu.ca
Office Hours
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fact that Laurier has decided that Fall 2020 courses will be held on-line,
all office hours for this course will also be conducted on-line, here are the two options:
- 24/7: send me an invite on Skype (ID: ilias_kotsireas) and ping me at any time outside class hours, from 9:00 a.m. EST to 5:00 p.m. EST (no prior appointment is required)
- specific time slot: e-mail me to book an individual appointment on skype/zoom.
For authentication/security purposes, please include your Laurier Student ID, and your first and last name, in all communcations regarding the course.
Course Textbook

Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7/E
Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe
ISBN-10: 0133970779
ISBN-13: 9780133970777
Textbook Support Web Site:
Pearson Education
Lecture Topics (corresponding to the 12 weeks schedule)
- Introduction, Database System Concepts and Architecture
- Data Models
- Schemas
- Instances
- Data Independence
- Database Languages
CH1, CH2
- Entity/Relationship (ER) Model
- Entity Types
- Entity Sets
- Attributes
- Keys
- Relationship Types
- Relationship Sets
- Roles
- Structural Constraints
- Weak Enity Types
- ER Diagrams
- Naming Conventions
- Binary/Ternary Relationships
- Relational Data Model, Relational Databases, Examples of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
- Relational Constraints
- Relational Database Schemas
- Update Operations
- Structured Query Language (SQL) Part I
- Data Definition, Data Types
- Constraint Specification
- Basic Queries, SELECT/FROM/WHERE, Ambiguities/Aliasing, Tuple Variables, Distinct, ORDER BY
- Substring Pattern Matching, Arithmetic Operators
- Null Values, IS, IS NOT
- Nested Queries, Correlated Nested Queries, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS
- Explicit Sets of Values, Attribute Renaming
- Joined Tables, Outer Joins
- Aggregate Functions, MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, COUNT
- Grouping, GROUP BY, HAVING clauses
- Structured Query Language (SQL) Part II
- Views (virtual Tables)
- Additional SQL examples on diferrent relational database schemas
- Relational Algebra (RA)
- Select/Project (Unary) RA operators
- Set-theoretic RA operators
- Join/Division (Binary) RA operators
- Aggregate Functions and Grouping
- Outer Join
- ER-to-Relational Mapping, EER-to-Relational Mapping
- Functional Dependencies (FDs), Normal Forms (NFs), Normalization
- Redundancy, Update Anomalies, Spurious Tuples
- Definition of an FD, Inference Rules for FDs
- Equivalent Sets of FDs, Minimal Sets of FDs
- First NF, Second NF, Third NF, 2NF/3NF Normalization
- BCNF, BCNF Normalization
- Algorithms for Relational Database Scheme Design, Multivalued and Join Dependencies
- Relational Decompositions
- Attribute Preservation, Dependency Preservation
- Nonadditive Join (Lossless Join)
- NULL Values, Dangling Tuples
- Multivalued Dependencies, Fourth NF
- Join Dependencies, Fifth NF
- Query Processing and Optimization
- Translating SQL Queries into Relational Algebra
- Algorithms for SELECT Operation
- Query Trees and Heuristics for Query Optimization
- General Transformation Rules for Relational Algebra Operations
- Outline of a Heuristic Algebraic Optimization Algorithm
- Cost-based query optimization
CH18, CH19
- Transactions, Schedules
- The Lost Update Problem, The Temporary Update Problem, The Incorrect Summary Problem
- Transactions States (BEGIN/END/COMMIT/ROLLBACK/ABORT), System Log
- ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency preservation, Isolation, Durability/Permanency)
- operations in conflict (in a schedule)
- complete schedules, recoverable schedules, cascading rollback, cascadeless schedules
- Schedule Serializability, serial schedules, nonserial schedules, conflict-serializable schedules
Class Schedule and Fall Semester Timetable
| Mon | Wed | Fri |
| 10:30-11:20 | 10:30-11:20 | 10:30-11:20 |
| (on-line) | (on-line) | (on-line) |
| | | |
Week 0: | --- | --- | Sep 11 |
Week 1: | Sep 14 | Sep 16 | Sep 18 |
Week 2: | Sep 21 | Sep 23 | Sep 25 |
Week 3: | Sep 28 | Sep 30 | Oct 02 |
Week 4: | Oct 05 | Oct 07 | Oct 09 |
Reading Week | Oct 12 - Oct 16 N o C o u r s e s
| | | |
Week 5: | Oct 19 | Oct 21 | Oct 23 |
Week 6: | Oct 26 | Oct 28 | Oct 30 T1 |
Week 7: | Nov 02 | Nov 04 | Nov 06 |
Week 8: | Nov 09 | Nov 11 | Nov 13 |
Week 9: | Nov 16 | Nov 18 | Nov 20 |
Week 10: | Nov 23 | Nov 25 | Nov 27 |
Week 11: | Nov 30 | Dec 02 | Dec 04 |
Week 12: | Dec 07 | Dec 09 T2 | --- |
| | | |
Course Requirements and Student Evaluation
- Assignment 1: 10%, https://bohr.wlu.ca/cp363/asgns/asgn01.php
Release Date: Oct 7, 2020, Due date: Oct 22, 2020
- Assignment 2: 10%, https://bohr.wlu.ca/cp363/asgns/asgn02.php
Release Date: Oct 22, 2020, Due date: Nov 5, 2020
- Assignment 3: 10%, https://bohr.wlu.ca/cp363/asgns/asgn03.php
Release Date: Nov 05, 2020, Due date: Nov 19, 2020 11:00 a.m.
- Assignment 4: 10%, https://bohr.wlu.ca/cp363/asgns/asgn04.php
Release Date: Nov 05, 2020, Due date: Nov 19, 2020 11:00 a.m.
- Assignment 5: 10%, https://bohr.wlu.ca/cp363/asgns/asgn05.php
Release Date: Nov 23, 2020, Due date: Dec 07, 2020, 11:00 a.m.
- Midterm Test 1: 25%, Oct 30, (in class)
- Midterm Test 2: 25%, Dec 09, (in class)
- Strict adherence to the assignments submission instructions is required
- Late assignment submissions will not be accepted (unless valid medical documentation is provided) and will be marked with 0.
University and Course Policies (senate approved)
Special Needs: Students with disabilities or special needs are advised to contact Laurier’s Accessible Learning Centre for information regarding its services and resources. Students are encouraged to review the Academic Calendar for information regarding all services available on campus.
Plagiarism: Wilfrid Laurier University uses software that can check for plagiarism. If requested to do so by the instructor, students are required to submit their written work in electronic form and have it checked for plagiarism.
Academic Integrity: Laurier is committed to a culture of integrity within and beyond the classroom. This culture values trustworthiness (i.e., honesty, integrity, reliability), fairness, caring, respect, responsibility and citizenship. Together, we have a shared responsibility to uphold this culture in our academic and nonacademic behaviour. The University has a defined policy with respect to academic misconduct. As a Laurier student you are responsible for familiarizing yourself with this policy and the accompanying penalty guidelines, some of which may appear on your transcript if there is a finding of misconduct. The relevant policy can be found at Laurier's academic integrity website along with resources to educate and support you in upholding a culture of integrity. Ignorance is not a defense.
Classroom Use of Electronic Devices: Read WLU policy 9.3 Classroom Use of Electronic Devices.
Late Assignment Policy: late assignments will be marked with 0.
Final Examinations: Students are strongly urged not to make any commitments (i.e., vacation) during the examination period. Students are required to be available for examinations during the examination periods of all terms in which they register. Refer to the Handbook on Undergraduate Course Management for more information.
Foot Patrol, the Wellness Centre, Student Food Bank.