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Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada
Department of Physics and Computing

CP463 -- Simulation, Course Outline -- Winter 2002

Course Description

The course provides an introduction to Discrete Simulation.

Prerequisites   MA240 (or equivalent) and permission of the Depatment

Instructor   Ilias Kotsireas,  Office 2076A,
            Office Hours TBA,  Phone 884-0710 ext. 2218  E-Mail ikotsire@wlu.ca

Lecture Notes

Download a pdf file with lectures notes here.
If you spot any errors or typos, please e-mail me and I will correct them. Thank you.


Jerry Banks, John S. Carson II, Barry L. Nelson, David M. Nicol
Discrete-event system simulation, 3rd ed.
Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2001.
Prentice-Hall international series in industrial and systems engineering
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN: 013088702

Textbook Support Web Site   A link to the book support web page is available at: http://www.bcnn.org/

Course Website   A link to the course web page is available at: http://sauron.wlu.ca/kotsireas/teaching.html

Lecture Topics

General Principles of Simulation, Discrete and Continuous Simulation, Other types of Simulation, Simulation Examples, Applications of Simulation, Elements of Probability Theory, Useful Statistical Models, Queuing Theory, Random Number Generators, Random Variate Generation, Input Modeling, Verification and Validation of Simulation Models, Simulation of Computer Systems.

Class Schedule

Winter Semester Timetable

              |   Mon      |    Wed      |    Fri       |
              | 12:30-1:20 | 12:30-1:20  | 12:30-1:20   |        
	      |	  N1056    |   N1056     |   N1056      |
              |            |             |              |
Week 1:       |  Jan 7     |   Jan 9     |   Jan 11     |            
Week 2:       |  Jan 14    |   Jan 16    |   Jan 18     |   
Week 3:       |  Jan 21    |   Jan 23    |   Jan 25     |
Week 4:       |  Jan 28    |   Jan 30    |   Feb 1      |  
Week 5:       |  Feb 4     |   Feb 6     |   Feb 8      |
Week 6:       |  Feb 11    |   Feb 13    |   Feb 15     |
              |            |             |              |
Reading Week  |   Feb 17 - Feb 23   N o   C o u r s e s 
              |            |             |              |
Week 7:       |  Feb 25    |   Feb 27    |   March 1    |
Week 8:       |  Mar 4     |   Mar 6     |   Mar 8      |
Week 9:       |  Mar 11    |   Mar 13    |   Mar 15     |
Week 10:      |  Mar 18    |   Mar 20    |   Mar 22     |
Week 11:      |  Mar 25    |   Mar 27    | Good Friday  |
Week 12:      |  Apr 1     |   Apr 3     |   Apr 5      | 
Last Class    |  Apr 8     |             |              |
              |            |             |              |


Either Mon Feb 25 or Wed Feb 27, just after Reading Week.

Assignment Schedule


The assignments as well as the marking schemes used, will be posted here.

Final Exam

The final exam date will be announced as early as possible. The examination period for this course is April 11, 2002 to April 30, 2002.

Student Evaluation

Simulation Research

A valuable source of information on research in Simulation is http://www.wintersim.org/ It contains infornation on WSC (Winter Simulation Conference)

Ethical Conduct

Please read the University statement on Academic and Research Misconduct. Incidents of plagiarism and/or failure to comply with the University Regulations on Academic and Research Misconduct will be reported to the Dean of Science. Sanctions and Procedures for investigation and discipline in cases of allegations of academic or research misconduct are clearly laid out in the Laurier Undergraduate Calendar.

Final Exam Date

The final exam date will be announced as early as possible (as soon as it has been scheduled by the Registrar's office). The Academic Dates section of the Calendar (Printed and Web Site Versions) clearly states the examination date period for each semester. Students must note that they are required to reserve this time in their personal calendars for the examinations. The examination period for this course is April 11, 2002 to April 30, 2002. Students who are considering registering to write MCAT, LSAT, or GMAT or a similar examination, should select a time for those examinations that occurs outside the University examination period. For additional information that describes the special circumstances for examination deferment, consult the University calendar.

Special Needs Students

Students with disabilities or special needs are advised to contact Laurier's Special Needs Office for information regarding its services and resources. Students are encouraged to review the Calendar for information regarding all services available on campus.