Course Description
The course provides an introduction to Discrete Event Simulation.
Important Course Information
MA240 (or equivalent), CP213
Dr. Ilias S. Kotsireas, Office 2076A,
Office Hours 24/7 and by appointment, Phone 884-0710 ext. 2218#
E-Mail: ikotsireATwlu.ca
Course Textbook Textbook Support Web Site
Lecture Topics (corresponding to the 12 weeks schedule)
- Introduction
- Systems, System Environment
- Components of a System
- Discrete and Continuous Systems
- Models of a System, Types of Models
- Applications of Simulation
- Simulation Examples
- Simulation of Queueing Systems
- Simulation of Inventory Systems
- Random Normal Numbers
- Lead-Time Demand
- General Principles of Simulation
- Concepts: System, Model, System state, Entity, Attributes, List, Event, Event Notice, Event List, Activity, Delay, Clock
- The Event Scheduling/Time Advance Algorithm, Future Event List (FEL),
- Manual Event Scheduling, Flow charts for the execution of arrival/departure events
- List Processing, Properties, Operations, Arrays, Dynamic Allocation, Linked Lists
- Introduction to GPSS, Elements of Probability Theory
- Useful Statistical Models CH5
- Queuing Theory
- Queue Behavior, Queue Discipline
- Service Times
- Queuing Notation, A/B/c/N/K
- Measures of Performance, long-run average time spent in system/queue per customer, server utilization
- The Conservation Equation
- Random Number Generators
- Properties of Random Numbers
- Pseudo-random Numbers
- Linear Congruential Method
- Tests for Random Numbers, Frequency, Autocorrelation
- Random Variate Generation
- Inverse-Transform Technique
- Acceptance-Rejection Technique
- Input Modeling CH9
- Verification and Validation of Simulation Models CH10
- Simulation of Computer Systems, Simulation of Computer Networks, CH14, CH15
- Research Projects Presentations
Class Schedule, Winter Semester Timetable
| Mon | Wed | Fri
| 8:30-9:20 | 8:30-9:20 | 8:30-9:20
| Room BA209 | Room BA209 | Room BA209
| | |
Week 1: | Jan 05 | Jan 07 | Jan 09
Week 2: | Jan 12 | Jan 14 | Jan 16
Week 3: | Jan 19 | Jan 21 | Jan 23
Week 4: | Jan 26 | Jan 28 | Jan 30
Week 5: | Feb 02 | Feb 04 | Feb 06
Week 6: | Feb 09 | Feb 11 | Feb 13
Reading Week Feb 16 - Feb 20 N o C o u r s e s
| | |
Week 7: | Feb 23 | Feb 25 | Feb 27
Week 8: | Mar 02 | Mar 04 | Mar 06
Week 9: | Mar 09 | Mar 11 | Mar 13
Week 10: | Mar 16 | Mar 18 | Mar 20
Week 11: | Mar 23 | Mar 25 | Mar 27
Week 12: | Mar 30 | Apr 01 | Apr 03
| | |
Course Mailing List
Send e-mail to the course instructor, to be added to the course mailing list.
Course Requirements/Student Evaluation
- Assignment 1: 10% due date: Friday, January 30, in class or by e-mail.
- Assignment 2: 10% due date: Friday, March 13, in class or by e-mail.
- Notice 1: All e-mail assignment submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.
- Notice 2: All assignment submissions must be typesetted. (LaTeX, Word)
- Midterm: 40%, Friday, February 27, in class.
- Term Project: 30% due date: Friday, April 3.
All students will be required to prepare a Term Project, details in class.
Students may form teams (of no more than 3 students each) to work on the Term Project collaboratively.
- Research Paper Presentations: 10%, Week 12 of courses.
All students will be required to study, understand and present
a research article relevant to Simulation research.
Half-hour presentations (20-min talk + questions/answers)
will be scheduled for the last week of courses.
Students are required to work on this project individually.