Course Description
The course covers advanced database system design principles and techniques.
Important Course Information
Course Staff
- Instructor: Dr. Ilias S. Kotsireas,
Office: N2076A, Office Hours: 24/7 and by appointment, Phone: 884-0710 ext. 2218, E-Mail: ikotsireATwlu.ca
- Assistants:
- VLDB access: go to Trellis, search for "VLDB" journal title, click on the link "Click here for access"
- "IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking" access: same process as for VLDB
Notes & Overheads
Lecture Topics (corresponding to the 12 weeks schedule)
- Introduction, Relational Algebra, Query Processing, Query Optimization
- Lexical Analysis, Syntactic Analysis, BNF Grammars, LEX/YACC
- Object Databases, Object Database Management Systems, (ODBMSs), ODMG, Object Definition Language (ODL), Object Query Language (OQL)
- Data Mining I,
- Data Mining II,
- Data Mining III
- Web Databases, PHP, HITS/PageRank Algorithms
- XML, well-formed documents, Document Type Definitions (DTDs), XML Schemas, XML Documents, XML Databases, XML Query Languages (XPath,XQuery)
- Data Storage, Indexing Structures for Files
- Data Warehousing, OLAP, Distributed Databases
- Deductive Databases
- Research Projects Presentations
Class Schedule, Winter Semester Timetable
| Mon | Wed |
| 2:30-3:50 | 2:30-3:50 |
| Room BA110 | Room BA110 |
| | |
Week 1: | Jan 05 | Jan 07 |
Week 2: | Jan 12 | Jan 14 |
Week 3: | Jan 19 | Jan 21 |
Week 4: | Jan 26 | Jan 28 |
Week 5: | Feb 02 | Feb 04 |
Week 6: | Feb 09 | Feb 11 |
Reading Week Feb 16 - Feb 20 N o C o u r s e s
| | |
Week 7: | Feb 23 | Feb 25 |
Week 8: | Mar 02 | Mar 04 |
Week 9: | Mar 09 | Mar 11 |
Week 10: | Mar 16 | Mar 18 |
Week 11: | Mar 23 | Mar 25 |
Week 12: | Mar 30 | Apr 01 |
| | |
Course Mailing List
Send e-mail to the course instructor, to be added to the course mailing list.
Course Requirements/Student Evaluation
- Assignment 1: 15% due date: Wednesday, January 28, in class or by e-mail.
- Assignment 2: 15% due date: Wednesday, March 11, in class or by e-mail.
- Notice 1: All e-mail assignment submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.
- Notice 2: All assignment submissions must be typesetted. (LaTeX, Word)
- Midterm: 30%, Wednesday, February 25, in class.
- Term Project: 30% due date: Wednesday, April 1.
All students will be required to prepare a Term Project, details in class.
Students may form teams (of no more than 3 students each) to work on the Term Project collaboratively.
- Research Paper Presentations: 10%, Week 12 of courses.
All students will be required to study, understand and present
a research article relevant to databases research.
Half-hour presentations (20-min talk + questions/answers)
will be scheduled for the last week of courses.
Students are required to work on this project individually.