Course Description
The course covers advanced database system design principles and techniques.
CP363 Databases I
Dr. Ilias S. Kotsireas
Office: N2076A, Office Hours: 24/7 and by appointment, Phone: 884-0710 ext. 2218, E-Mail: ikotsireATwlu.ca
Important Course Information
Notes & Overheads
Lecture Topics (corresponding to the 12 weeks schedule)
- Introduction, Relational Algebra, SQL
- Query Processing, Query Optimization
- Lexical Analysis, Syntactic Analysis, BNF Grammars, LEX/YACC
- Object Databases, Object Database Management Systems, (ODBMSs), ODMG, Object Definition Language (ODL), Object Query Language (OQL)
- Data Mining I, Introduction and Basic Concepts, KDD, Learning, Decision Trees, Association Rules
- Data Mining II, ID3 Algorithm (Iterative Dichotomizer), C4.5 Algorithm, Apriori Algorithm
- Data Mining III, k-Means Clustering, Genetic Clustering, FP-Growth Algorithm
- XML, well-formed documents, Document Type Definitions (DTDs), XML Schemas, XML Documents, XML Databases, XML Query Languages (XPath,XQuery)
- Web Databases, PHP, HITS/PageRank Algorithms
- Data Storage, Indexing Structures for Files
- Distributed Databases, Deductive Databases
- Research Projects Presentations
Class Schedule, Winter Semester Timetable
| Mon | Wed | Fri
| 12:30-13:20 | 12:30-13:20 | 12:30-13:20
| Room BA211 | Room BA211 | Room BA211
| | |
Week 1: | Jan 04 | Jan 06 | Jan 08
Week 2: | Jan 11 | Jan 13 | Jan 15
Week 3: | Jan 18 | Jan 20 | Jan 22
Week 4: | Jan 25 | Jan 27 | Jan 29
Week 5: | Feb 01 | Feb 03 | Feb 05
Week 6: | Feb 08 | Feb 10 | Feb 12
Reading Week Feb 15 - Feb 19 N o C o u r s e s
| | |
Week 7: | Feb 22 | Feb 24 | Feb 26
Week 8: | Mar 01 | Mar 03 | Mar 05
Week 9: | Mar 08 | Mar 10 | Mar 12
Week 10: | Mar 15 | Mar 17 | Mar 19
Week 11: | Mar 22 | Mar 24 | Mar 26
Week 12: | Mar 29 | Mar 31 | Apr 02 --> Mon Apr 05
| | |
Course Mailing List
Send e-mail to the course instructor, to be added to the course mailing list.
Subject: add me to the CP465 Mailing List
Course Requirements/Student Evaluation
- The course final grade is computed based on the 5 components:
A1, A2, M, TP, RAP, explained in more detail below.
- The course final grade is computed as:
A1*(15/100) + A2*(15/100) + M*(30/100) + TP*(30/100) + RAP*(10/100)
- (A1) Assignment 1: 15%, due date: Friday, January 29, 2010.
- (A2) Assignment 2: 15%, due date: Friday, March 12, 2010.
- Important Information regarding assignment submission:
- All assignment submissions will be by e-mail only.
- All assignment submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.
- All assignment submissions must be typeset (LaTeX, Word).
- All assignment submissions must be by .pdf file attachment only.
- Send one .pdf file only, for the entire assignment.
- Use the following naming schemes, for your A1 and A2 .pdf files:
(these are dash characters, not underscores)
- Do not use a cover page. Instead, make sure that all pages of your .pdf file are
numbered and on each page include a header with your name, course code, date, and A1 (or A2)
- Assignment submissions that violate any of the above requirements, will not be accepted/marked.
- (M) Midterm: 30%, Friday, February 26, in class.
- (TP) Term Project: 30%, due date: Monday, April 5.
All students will be required to prepare a Term Project, details in class.
Students may form groups (of no more than 3 students each) to work on the Term Project collaboratively. Each group will have to deliver a project document and arrange for a project demonstration.
- (RAP) Research Article Presentation: 10%, Week 12 of classes.
Each student is required to study, understand and present
a research article (published in a research journal or a research conference)
relevant to databases research.
Half-hour presentations (20-min talk + questions/answers)
will be scheduled for the last week of courses.
Students are required to work on this project individually.
Some sources of finding such research papers are:
(on-line access also from Trellis)
- VLDB (Very Large Data Base) series of conferences
- ACM TODS (ACM Transactions on Database Systems) journal
- ACM SIGMOD ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking journal
- Encyclopedia of Database Systems Springer, on-line version available

