Course Description

The course provides an introduction to Discrete Event Simulation.

Important Course Information


MA240 (or equivalent), CP213


Dr. Ilias S. Kotsireas,  Office 2076A, Office Hours 24/7 and by appointment, Phone 884-0710 ext. 2218# E-Mail: ikotsireATwlu.ca

Course Textbook    

Textbook Support Web Site http://www.bcnn.org/

Lecture Topics (corresponding to the 12 weeks schedule)

  1. Introduction CH1
  2. Simulation Examples CH2
  3. General Principles of Simulation CH3
  4. Simulation Software, Introduction to GPSS CH4, Elements of Probability Theory
  5. Useful Statistical Models CH5
  6. Queuing Theory CH6
  7. Random Number Generators CH7
  8. Random Variate Generation CH8
  9. Input Modeling CH9
  10. Verification, Calibration and Validation of Simulation Models CH10
  11. Estimation of Absolute Performance, Estimation of Relative Performance CH11, CH12
  12. Research Projects Presentations

Class Schedule, Winter Semester Timetable

            |     Tue     |     Thu          
            | 13:00-14:20 | 13:00-14:20
            | Room N1057  |  Room N1057
            |             |
Week 1:     |  Jan 04     |    Jan 06
Week 2:     |  Jan 11     |    Jan 13
Week 3:     |  Jan 18     |    Jan 20
Week 4:     |  Jan 25     |    Jan 27
Week 5:     |  Feb 01     |    Feb 03
Week 6:     |  Feb 08     |    Feb 10
Week 7:     |  Feb 15     |    Feb 17 (M)

Reading Week Feb 21 - Feb 25  No Courses
            |             |
Week 8:     |  Mar 01     |   Mar 03
Week 9:     |  Mar 08     |   Mar 10
Week 10:    |  Mar 15     |   Mar 17
Week 11:    |  Mar 22     |   Mar 24
Week 12:    |  Mar 29     |   Mar 31
            |             |

Course Mailing List

Send e-mail to the course instructor, to be added to the course mailing list.

Course Requirements/Student Evaluation