Course Description

An introduction to scientific computation, with substantial use of scientific software, such as Maple and Matlab. Scientific problems and models from different disciplines are considered. Numerical methods introduced in this course include interpolation, curve fitting, solving (systems of) linear and nonlinear equations, eigenvalue problems, integration and solving ordinary and partial differential equations.

Important Course Information


CP104, MA110* (or MA103), MA122, MA205


Dr. Ilias S. Kotsireas,  Office 2076A, Office Hours 24/7 and by appointment, Phone 884-0710 ext. 2218# E-Mail: ikotsireATwlu.ca

Course Topics

  1. nonlinear equations, systems of nonlinear equations
  2. systems of linear equations: direct and iterative methods
  3. matrix eigenvalue problems, matrix eigenvector problems
  4. Fast Fourier Transform
  5. interpolation, curve fitting
  6. numerical differentiation, numerical integration
  7. Optimization
  8. Symbolic Computation
  9. Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), Initial Value Problems (IVPs), Boundary Value Problems (BVPs)
  10. Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Discretization, Finite Difference Methods, Collocation, Finite Element Method

Course Software

Maple is a Scientific Computation System that allows the user to perform symbolic and numeric computations, visualization, experimentation and much more. Maple is being developed maintained and distributed by Maplesoft http://www.maplesoft.com/. Maple is available in Wilfrid Laurier University labs and the latest release of Maple 15, can also be obtained individually through the Maple Adoption Program.
Powered by Maplesoft

  1. MaplePrimes A Web community dedicated to sharing experiences, techniques, and opinions about Maple
  2. Application Center Featuring over 2200 applications contributed by the Maplesoft user community
  3. Maple T.A. Content CenterThousands of freely available Maple T.A. questions.
Matlab is a Scientific Computation System developed maintained and distributed by Mathworks http://www.mathworks.com/. Matlab is available in Wilfrid Laurier University labs.

  1. Matlab tutorial links from MathWorks
  2. Matlab tutorials from Mathtools.net
  3. Matlab summary
  4. A Partial List of On-Line Matlab Tutorials and Matlab Books
No prior knowledge of Maple or Matlab is necessary. Maple and Matlab tutorials will be offered, as part of the course.

Class Schedule, Winter Semester Timetable

              |     Mon     |     Wed     |    Fri      |
              |  8:30-9:20  | 8:30-9:20   | 8:30-9:20   |
              |    N1057    |    N1057    |   N1057     |
              |             |             |             |
Week 1:       |  Jan 07     |    Jan 09   |   Jan 11    |
Week 2:       |  Jan 14     |    Jan 16   |   Jan 18    |
Week 3:       |  Jan 21     |    Jan 23   |   Jan 25    |
Week 4:       |  Jan 28     |    Jan 30   |   Feb 01    |
Week 5:       |  Feb 04     |    Feb 06   |   Feb 08    |
Week 6:       |  Feb 11     |    Feb 13   |   Feb 15    |
Reading Week  |   Feb 18 - Feb 22   N o   C o u r s e s

Week 7:       |  Feb 25     |   Feb 27    |   Mar 01    |    
Week 8:       |  Mar 04     |   Mar 06    |   Mar 08    |
Week 9:       |  Mar 11     |   Mar 13    |   Mar 15    |
Week 10:      |  Mar 18     |   Mar 20    |   Mar 22    |
Week 11:      |  Mar 25     |   Mar 27    |   Mar 29*   |
Week 12:      |  Apr 01     |   Apr 03    |   Apr 05    |
              |  Apr 08     |             |             |
              |             |             |             |
* the April 08 lecture is the March 29 make-up lecture

Course Requirements/Student Evaluation