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Scholarships and Awards - Arts

* The Chancellor W. Z. Estey Scholarships
* The H. W. Edward and Hazel M. Cleghorn Fine Arts Scholarship
* Concordia Scholarship in German
* The Honours French Program Award
* Dwinnell-Steffler Scholarship
* The W. D. Evans Award
* The Fine Arts Art History Award
* Fine Arts Studio Award
* Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Second Year Award
* Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Third Year Award
* Global Television Network Broadcasters of the Future, Al Bruner Scholarship for Communication Studies
* The George P. Grant Memorial Award
* The Robert Haworth Scholarship
* Heidt Scholarship in German
* J.C. Herbert Award in History
* J.C. Herbert Award in Political Science
* The Sally Jefferson Awards in Religion and Culture
* The Mark Lindemann Fund
* The Fred Little Memorial Award
* Hugh MacLachlan Scholarship
* Hugh MacLean - Jakob Zeyl Scholarship ***NEW***
* The Lorna Marsden Scholarship
* James C. McKegney Memorial Award
* Eileen Mercier Scholarship
* Hamish P. Mercier Scholarship
* NCR Arts and Science Scholarship
* Kevin P. Noonan Memorial Award
* Alvin J. Pauli Scholarship in Archaeology
* The Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship
* President's Scholarship
* The Princess Cinema Award
* Flora Roy Scholarships
* George and Agnes Roy Award
* The Lorne Russwurm Award
* The Elizabeth Tschirhart Award
* The Elizabeth J. Tupling Scholarship

[Table of Contents] [Index] [Glossary]
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Official electronic version updated on November 10, 2000

[LAURIER Home Page] [COMMENTS] M. Watson, Editor

[Course Timetable]